Pain Warlock is off the charts post nerfs

I expect hunter is doing really well too, but hunter will fall prey to excavate rogue. Excavate rogue is a really strong deck now, just faced Pizza at about 350 rating and he destroyed my terrible adaptation of wheel lock with his excavate rogue.

Pain Warlock drops the worst performing cards for the fatigue package (my adaptation YMMV) and omg it tears through everything. Dealers choice what you want to drop, I haven’t done extensive analysis, but defn drop the forges (they were barely playable at 3 mana) and I dropped one flame imp and both treants (I hate that the 5 damage cost doesn’t count towards self damage.) this deck now plays like a far superior form of sludge Warlock two metas ago (and obviously in this meta.)

Just ripped through top legend with this deck.


Mind posting the deck?

I’d like to try

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I thought Pain Warlock was technically nerfed with the Forge and Giant minion change? Ugh

This almost makes sense as a sentence to me, but also makes me hungry and confused

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This is my adaptation, obviously everything is very early in the meta, so far going 10-1



Class: Warlock

Format: Standard

Year of the Pegasus

1x (1) Flame Imp

2x (1) Fracking

2x (2) Baritone Imp

2x (2) Celestial Projectionist

2x (2) Crescendo

2x (2) Cult Neophyte

2x (2) Elementium Geode

2x (3) Furnace Fuel

2x (3) Malefic Rook

2x (3) Trolley Problem

2x (4) Crazed Conductor

1x (4) Pop’gar the Putrid

2x (4) Speaker Stomper

1x (5) Symphony of Sins

1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000

1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000

1x (3) Pylon Module

1x (5) Ticking Module

2x (9) Imprisoned Horror

2x (20) Molten Giant


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

Tbh forge was barely playable in the deck at 3 mana imo, was one of the weaker cards, only good when you got the giants going. The deck is all about pushing tempo hard then finding a key turn to spell lock the opponent.

What is the giant nerf?


I call it a giant just because it is one of those “big” minion costs with reduction

I meant this:
Epic · Minion · TITANS · Costs (1) less for each damage you

I’m assuming that nerf didn’t do much.

In before this thing becomes a 2/5 like corridor creeper.

Although really it’s just the fact that molten giant + projectionist is kind of bonkers, and you can’t even really build a board to threaten a counter lethal against this deck because their stuff is ultra premium stats for the cost.

Same issue with jungle gym. Sure, it was nerfed to 2 durability (because it absolutely needed to be), but it still prohibits you from proactively throwing a few minions out on turns 1-3 to counter the RC bots because those now come with 7 damage that almost certainly deleted whatever you played so far.

Both of these are board based decks that you can’t really contest with the board, which is trending to be as bad as any OTK style gameplay for player agency issues.

So it’s like I said before the patch: I didn’t expect them to get this right in one go.

Strangely I rode Big DH to Legend and 1k wins today on the backs of several Pain Warlocks. It was like 4 or 5 in a row.

Illidari Inquisitor + Ball Hog + Fan the Hammer go BRRRR

I did because this isn’t their first time at the rodeo.

6 warriors in a row on EU… I can’t… I can’t.

Odyn, Brann or something new?

I’m enjoying how the meta has slowed to more realistic pace. I switched over to Excavate Warlock and it’s doing well. If you play it right you can cycle for 2 snakes in a game with the possibility of a third. Only need two Brewmasters for the deck to function. Drillfist being a demon is awesome. The Pop’gar package fits right into the deck from the other Warlock decks that are now defunct.

Still refining it but end game has proven to be such a good card for Warlock.

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Both of these

I saw a lackey warrior, but he didn’t manage to surprise me enough to win

I lost the others. Shaman is unplayable.

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Brann is pretty much unchanged in this meta IMO. The only thing i changed in my Brann deck was add a single brewmaster to bounce boss for maximum bombs in their deck or more often bounce Boom for another round of zilliax attacks to end the game.

Zola would probably be better but once players catch on to what you can do with zola there’s no way the Boss and Boom ever survive a turn to copy them twice.

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Warriors go down real smooth to Tempo Zarimi fwiw.

Went 7-1 tonight vs Warrior, only loss was to a ridiculously bad shuffle that had Zarimi and both Scale Replicas in the bottom 6 cards. Otherwise all other Warriors died by turn 9, even if they jacked up their armor early.

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I think Brann Warrior is going to be the most immediate winner of the patch just because it doesn’t need to change anything to be good. It is less efficient at board clearing and surviving but it is still very comfortable in a low-pressure environment.
However, as soon as people stop messing around with garbage/turbonerfed decks I’m pretty sure their success rate will go down fast.


I hope the warriors keep coming. So easy to beat them with Excavate Warlock.

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Interested in your list Dallaen, if you don´t mind to post it here.

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Honestly I’m upset. Pizza was mentioned, and I see zero pizzas. God help you if you bring pineapple in here.

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do you have a list that you want to share?

Honestly, I think OP just highrolled a bunch of games on Painlock xD

I can’t even beat warriors with it. It’s too slow with fatique package.