P2W Event? Fun (no)

Even if you destroy one, it doesn’t work. It’s fully bugged. Hopefully they just unlock the skin for everyone. Failure event.

Yeah this is a -100 on a scale from 0-10. I only play standard ranked and have not even seen, less destroyed a jepetto card in 100 or so games after the launch.
Total clown fiesta and really shows how Blizzard only cares about money. Personally I am not spending 1600 dust to get a quest started. Though being patient I will see the event to it’s end and hope to get the quest chain done.

AHAHHAHAHAHA game #65 got a jepetto from my opponent on the board. Destroyed it. Event quest → not done. I am done though. Thanks and see you tomor… next year.

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Fun part is it’s bugged. i only encountred one, i killed it but no reward.

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Ya, I have killed Joymancer Jeppeto three times without completing the quest, because it’s bugged.

uh so thats why we can complete this quest by fidning someone who has the card and ask them for a deck with it ?

i would understand that post a bit if it was about the shop offering 1 legeendary with the 20 packs instead of the 2 legendaries before but about a f2p event ?that doesnt make sense

yeah, lurking forums and reddits for a chance to beg to be added as a friend.
I’m asocial I don’t like talking to strangers and moreover, asking them a favor

No one is doing that Boreas. No one


I stand (sit?) corrected. Half a dozen is larger than 0

is that or rely on rng to get it out of azerite frog from your 5 mana minions

Its bad enough the final “reward” is a !@#$% warlock skin.

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Agreed. Haven’t seen that card yet.