Functionally that deck gets such high damage Leeroys that it might as well be an OTK. In order to not instantly die in the late game you need to make sure you have never been hit by any of his giant minions at any point in the game.
And hope they never get a windfury sparkbot if you can’t kill every mech immediately.
The obscene reach is most of why the deck remains top tier.
Insanity lock also usually doesn’t truly OTK all at once, but the burst is so high it might as well be one.
The fact that hand buff doesn’t even need to do that play to find wins because of how much stats it cheats out is a good sign that it shouldn’t have access to that kind of burst from hand.
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I can tell you don’t play the deck. Stats are useless against opponents who can work around them. In fact the deck would be extremely mediocre right now without the tech cards that target the mana cost of opponents.
None of the paladin decks I have seen were running any tech cards. Maybe it’s different in high Legend but the only decks that I have seen running any mana taxing cards were of Painlock variety.
The deck could stay in the top 5 of the high ranks only with the tech cards. It’s currently not even in the top 5 list depended on filtering. Let’s not forget what is best is extremely subjective because it depends on how you filter; e.g. on hsguru it’s still “good” on diamond ranks; but it appears barely above 50% winrate at the highest ranks.
Yeah i think that version was strictly all priest and not a mix with the Tourist. I tried both and i think the Tourist version is more flexible in this current meta. Given a change in the meta the deck could change again but yeah it’s going for a high roll but that’s not really anything new in this meta.
I have had 65 damage in from hand on turn 4 before as druid. It is very doable.
Nah man, the deck was top tier before rogue rose to power. Paladin just needs to be mega broken to see notable play in top ranks because it is a linear gameplay pattern. This has been how the class has been almost continuously for years now.
If combo rogue gets deleted, handbuff pally isn’t going anywhere.
But handbuff pally counters sonya comfortably
It only loses to gaslight rogue, but that rogue loses to everything else
Yeah, it definitely does, but if they delete Sonya rogue, hand buff pally can just drop the heavy tech cards against it and go back to being fine.
There aren’t a lot of things that make the deck struggle too hard.
Every shaman and every 2nd DK, basically
Oh and the titular overheal priest
Rest is fine
But as you said:
Nothing counters the class as much as this fact xD
Nah handbuff is kinda crap (or at least annoying to play) right now. You can’t decide if it needs the tech cards or not; for the past week it appears it should had DROPPED them because some basic aggro decks started winning more; even flood paladin was probably a better deck this week.
I start believing tech cards are a trap; if you start using them just drop the deck; if you need “defenses” that slow you down you probably are on a highway to losing.
The deck’s just brutal when you have my luck
I mean, I’ve played it before and have seen its’ strong side, but this meta I gave it 4-5 chances and somehow couldn’t play a fair game
Both weapons and instrument techs, both buffing minions were all in the last 15 cards
Good luck have fun, that’s the definition of unplayable deck
There are too many decks which you can have fun with even when you lose - this isn’t one of them.
Overheal Priest
6.7% (3751)
Buttons DK
13.5% (7527)
Insanity Warlock
13.0% (7264)
Handbuff Paladin
5.6% (3115)
Here are the top 4 decks in t1000 from donkey.
Other than DK , there is no other deck anywhere near over heal. My understanding is dk feels broken right now as well. I can’t attest to this from anecdote because I don’t really play anymore, but I did run into a dk a while ago and the tempo felt next level, with some really cheap plays like coodfeet plus razzle dazzler.
As someone said up top, I believe schyla, there are layers upon layers of broken stuff. If they nerf these two decks, then fatigue and handbuff will be top again. Neither of those are great to play against either, they are just the devil we know, maybe too well. If they nerf those, there’s another layer of broken stuff below that… And it continues ad nauseum.
This is why I am a proponent of absolutely nuking everything.
The stuff on top, the stuff below it, the stuff below that…
All of it.
Give us a true power reset, not just a shuffle between the stuff that keeps coming back like weeds.
I strongly believe it’s not gonna accomplish anything
Just like with individual cards when they get announced, and people predict their strength and most often they’re entirely wrong, it’s not about absolute strength, it’s about relative strength.
Nerfing everything doesn’t change the relative strength of any decks, only the absolute. The only result of that is slowing down games, and that runs counter to everything in 21st century - every other card game is getting faster, not slower, with time, just like every generation is ADHD more than the previous one.
No, you have to implement a targetted, carefully chosen solution, if you think the game really needs that many fixes.
I don’t. I embraced the chaos. Their % winrates have never been less polarized since I’ve started playing the game, so it must mean they’re doing SOMETHING right.
The stats I listed above indicate there are two broken decks with 2 percent higher wr than everything else, which in aggregate stats is insanely broken.
Over heal priest is nearly 4 percent higher. I haven’t done the math but that’s probably something like a difference in one hundred games needed to be played to do the climb from d5, if we go by these base winrates.
That is pretty polarized, no?
Not what I had in mind.
First of all, I’m not sure how representative hsguru is, especially since their stats diverge from VS ones a lot
Furthermore, I meant “matchup winrates”, although I now see I haven’t stressed that part in my last post.
We used to have 33 - 66% matchups, now, I don’t see any
Finally, you played one game against Overheal priest where he absolutely highrolled you. The fact that your 1-game experience coincides with stats on hsguru won’t change the fact that intuition and experience of others who play in legend or higher legend doesn’t compare with that at all
Maybe it’s because overheal priest isn’t played much, maybe because it’s not that broken.
Either way, I’m having troubles accepting that analysis of the meta. It’s just not what I’m seeing at all.
EDIT: On the other hand, HSguru might be more up-to-date with stats, considering their samples are very low compared to VS ones. It could show the more dynamic picture of the meta, and if that’s the case, I can live with that. I don’t know what people in top 100 are playing since I lowrolled my way out of it and I’m not watching streams due to lack of time.
So yeah, there’s that
There are, people are just not playing them. Triple Blood eats Handbuff for breakfast everytime.
Great to see that there is yet ANOTHER priest deck that is doing so well. The greed lords HATE it.
Triple Blood is one good card from becoming a major meta player. It can sometimes have trouble closing out games unless it hits on the discoveries. It’s got a solid base to build from so it’s more of a when not an if that card comes to it before rotation.