Over 40% Priest in Wild - where the nerfs?

need wait for 51% mark so streamers started talking and nerfs come out

edit: side note i predicted this but people say never was going happen

Why don’t big priests include illucia even though it dilutes their res pool, you don’t absolutely have to play it and gambling with essence would be a 20 or 25 percent chance of a brick, which is way less than a 50 50 chance at a bad outcome, well worth the risk for dominating combo opponents who think they have a free win.

Like, if you draw illucia vs not combo, don’t play it, 1 dead card, and that may not matter much. If you don’t draw illucia vs non-combo (you’re only winnable matchups as big priest), gamble with essence if it’s your only play, and you have about a 3/4 chance of essence not hitting illucia and your deck being strong.

Like, mayor nogg or illucia idk why big priests think they have to have a perfect pool for shadow essence. They are sacrificing like 1/2 their wins to do that lol. Someone who’s played big priest with illucia, a lot, could add to this and explain how it’s a super bad overall deck inclusion which it does not seem to be. You don’t need 4/4 or 5/5 anti-board minions in big priest, having one dedicaed for combo, which is like 1/2 of wild, would be well worth the less than 50 percent risk of losing a match on essencing out a copy of illucia.

Who wouldn’t want to be a big priest and blow up your opponent’s combos, completely unexpected. For all the big priests who think they’re so clever lol just swap out idk any of the big priest things that are board focused and plug in illucia for combo.

Raza priest is on rise i haven’t seen big in wild for long time.

I meet mostly resurrection priests, followed by Raza. But mage still takes 30%+ of my games followed by pally, and then priests.

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Seems like everyone started spamming Secret Mage to counter SOS Warlock, and they forgot they had other decks after the ban!

I played it for a day or two during SOS and I was playing more mirrors than SOS matches!

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