OTK is still an issue

I use a custom deck that is not online. I do have dirty rat and death lord in my deck to pull out key cards but the fact of the matter is if they dont pull out a key card the OTK still happens and the two cards were a waste to have in my deck. Yes sometimes it works but I’m almost considering putting my old cards back in for them because more times than not I cant kill the OTK part of their deck.

Maybe the solution is to destroy it. OTK decks are no fun. They are not interactive and there is no direct counter to them. As wild becomes bigger and bigger, OTK decks will become insane, to the point of making the entire game mode inaccessible to most players.

Perhaps there could be a limit on how much damage a hero can receive per turn. Maybe 15 damage or so. It would instantly solve the OTK problem, while still making face smashing somewhat possible. Seems much better than individually nerfing or sending to the HoF every single card used in OTK strategies.

OTK is just as viable a strategy as any other. It takes time to set up and doesn’t always come to fruition. Same as milling. I don’t enjoy being milled (maybe even less than getting OTK’ed), but it is a strategy none-the-less. I enjoy playing a wild , Blade of C’thun deck. I wouldn’t describe it as a OTK deck as it only has 2 blades of C’thun, 1 Crazed Worshipper, C’thun and a mash up of removals, taunts and tech. My last match with it against a Jade Druid saw my C’thun grow to 45 attack. It took time and strategy to grow it that big, survive the endless golems and make a final play that cleared his 8/8 jade, his armor and life. I also like playing a wild, Echo Mage which often ends in OTK matches for me. Again though it takes time and strategy to set it up and pull it off.

I had this funny deck with warlocks summoning portal into cheap echo minions, while not highly likely to pull the combo off was kind of like an aggro/otk hybrid deck. But for even more stabs at a random win throw in bane of doom and if your otk fails then maybe you will pull a strong random demon.


Their balance is about money. They make something appealing. Then they make it easy and fast to get with money. After a while they nerf it and then make a NEW more appealing thing easy and fast to get with money. Rinse and Repeat.

Unfortunately OTK is a necessary evil to keep control decks in check. As much as I love my control VS control matchups, it is only fair to the aggro players.

It’s a fine thing to have nor do I want to abolish it completely for that would not be a good handle on the situation. Every deck should have some form of protection for all types of decks otk being no expedition. Wild has both dread lord and rat to pull cards out some how but they are both crap shots in regards on how to counter them. Agro dies to taunts most of the time but you can play around that kind of stuff.

aggro kills kills 1/2 your health before you can even start playing the game most of the time. its like starting the game on 1/2 health. Combo decks can be anticipated, played around and controlled tactically, but aggro can’t because you simply lack the mana to play against them. even small board clears are expensive and synergy is important with deck type. having only 30 cards makes it worse.

The game has evolved from its roots, there is just too much overhead, we should have more health, or heros should take reduced damage before they have full mana

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I had this issue as well in wild with playing big priest. I put in horror and 2 pains in my deck along with dragon fire potion. This has helped out a lot with agro decks. I have been controlling them as well. It’s rather difficult but possible for hyper aggro is a big counter to big priest.

What else can you do? Keep on playing knowing it’s unavoidable?

IEvery deck in standard I come up against is prebuild with or without otk and in wild it’s either previous standard decks,endless drawing decks, or otk that’s playable in turn 5 or 6. It’s cancer in it’s purest form…

When you only play custom build decks like I do, you’ll get demolished by those cancerdecks since they are about unstoppable. Nearly every OP card can only be used in a single combo…

Would like a mode where you can play decks from before Year of the Kraken got released, those games were at least fun to play

Players are annoyed by otk and mill. But without them you would suddenly see a shift in power towards the old school control decks for which time in game was no issue.

Original control warrior could play forever and wait patiently for lethal or just defend indefinitely and burn out the opponent. So then all the complaints were about…

“not fair, the game is pure p2w. Keep getting matched with big warriors and banklocks each with 10 legendaries. They do the same thing every time and it’s booooring”.

So blizzard gives you an innovative alternate win condition that counters that because it puts the match effectively on a timer and guess what…players whose records are bad vs those decks specifically are still complaining.

Ofc players have always complained about aggro too. So the bottom line is protests will always exist because some deck types will naturally get a battering from others.

Don’t complain that you can’t win every game because you never will. Just win more than you lose and accept that all methods are as viable as the next.

I dont expect to win every game. You learn more from lossing a game than winning on the account you will understand things better. That’s my take on things. And when you have a 50% win rate on a personal level you need to figure out how to get out of that rut.

As for mill decks yes they are a counter to control and is needed I can agree with that but I do play control myself and figured out how to work around it after lossing to them so many times. The blind sided OTK is the issue at hand because there is no work around for them and it needs to stop. Only wild has cards like dirty rat to pull the key card out of their hands. It’s not right to have a counter based on RNG than trying to out play them. That is the issue at hand.

The OTK did not kill you in one turn. You did not kill OTK for the turns up to the OTK.

Woah there, I see you are a Mechathun Deck! I should probably forget all about value and instead focus on tempo. OR I can go to the forums to complain about how I got killed by OTK.

There is workaround against OTK. There are lots of tech options to choose from.

Dirty Rat, Skulking Geist, Mojomaster Zihi, Demon Project, Gnomeferatu, Void Contract, Deathlord, Ancestor’s Call, Hakkar, all these cards are just some tech cards that you can run. BUT you refuse to.

Actually I do use dirty rat and I do use death lord. However it’s a damn crap shoot when it comes to them on the account its rng. There OTK has no RNG based around it other than cards you have been drawing. Explain to me why something rng based needs to be a counter to something that is not? Why is it that locks are the only class that gets “destory half the remaining deck” “discard cards when hit” stuff like that. Everyone needs something like that if it’s going to be rng based. Something that can have a meaningful impact other than drawing 1 card from deck or hand.

Every other deck type you can play around. Secret mage. Play around them. Sure your going to have to sacrifice some stuff to get your win but it’s possible with any deck type to go against it. Bane rouge. Have something that can destory their weapon. Issue solved for a few turns. Even shammy. Control the board in front of them and you badicly win. OTK? Best kill them before they get it off because you cant play around it is not a legitimate strategy to go against them because they can lock your board down not allowing you to do anything.

What you’re essentially asking for is an insta win card.

When you take a look at OTK decks, they all have multiple cards that are geared towards maximizing output. Velen/Malygos need to die in order to place them into the rez pool. Mecha’Thun needs to draw the entire deck. Whatever.

When you put cards like Deathlord or Dirty Rat into your deck, if it manages to disrupt the combo, it’s an insta win. So by putting it behind an RNG wall, it keeps the user from abusing the card, while still allowing a chance to pull combo cards.

The disruption cards are also skill testing. Wold you use Dirty Rat turn 2? No. You use it when you’re on, let’s say, turn 6, because by then, you could Dirty Rat, then Polymorph, or whatever. Would you hold onto Dirty Rat until the last turn for Mecha’Thun? Yes.

Only a foolish person would play rat on turn 2 or a death lord when they have nothing to answer a big minion. Yes it does take timing on their in order to get the max value on said stuff. You are not talking to a rank 20 player. I have been playing from close beta. The issue is the blind sided stuff that i was talking about. there is a deck in wild currently from Shammy that there is not much you can do about because it shove mally on to the board with 4 mana (might be wrong on the mana cost) and spell kills you. it plays like any other shammy deck so you can’t tell that its about to strike you.

The fact still remains that other card games has ways to prevent OTK stuff from happening or at least happening less than what this game allows for.

Look, if you were listening to the “skill testing” part of my post, you would have played Dirty Rat and then played Devolve.

We need ways of controlling the opponent’s hand in some extent to be released, like it has been for every card game so far. Period.

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So we are getting another card to pull stuff out of another persons deck. It’s a step in the right direction and I see it being used over death lords. At least priests.