OTK is still an issue

We need a card or something in the basic set that changes a person hand in some way. Have it change both your hand and the other players hand.

There seem to be very little counter play to OTK and honestly I get it that a deck revolves around a few cards to make the OTK work but when you get blind sides by it and they stright up win because it’s either agro them to death or lose because you cant counter them. Please bliz every card game has cards that mess with peoples hands to counter this. Why cant we have it here as well?

Also please make it all class card. Thank you


Just playing with forum buttons. Dont mind me.

Down with OTK!


How do you hurt it without totally destroying it?
I don’t want to see it totally disappear(certain I’m in the minority here):sunglasses:


Everything else in the game is also still an issue.

The only way to beat OTK is to rush them down with aggro before the get their combo pieces, or disrupt their combo using something like gnomeferatu which not all class have the ability to do.

Their are ways to beat otk decks but you can’t actually play against them.

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The moment I get the scent of an otk, I concede. It’s the only way I know to boycott that cancer


OTKs can be annoying but that is the way they are. The thing about them is they usually take a while to set up which DOES give you time to beat them down with all but control decks. Aggro/rush and midrange decks do quite well and typically can put down a OTK. About the obly one I can think of that midrange isn’t able to handle so well is Big Priest but that’s the same with everyone.

I’m with you in spirit as I don’t like the OTK mechanic, but when you’re facing Hunter for the 10th time in a row, I make an exception. Nothing like smacking a Hunter that curves perfectly (as they always do) in the face for 48 damage.


How I wish I can do that as well but being down at rank 5 I cant do that for win streaks are not a thing anymore. So every star matters. It just sucks when you get slapped across the face with some random otk that you cant do anything about.

Kind of like the old shudder decks. Blizzard knew exactly what they were doing because they told everyone to use it in that way. I’m okay with powerful combos as long and you can respond to such a thing.

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In wild, the answer to those types of decks is mill. Problem is, no one likes playing against mill decks either. Then again, wild has an answer to everything, it’s just that you might not like the answer.


Then people will demand for something that counters hand interaction.
OTK’s have been a part of many card games. Why should HS be any different?

Besides, these instant win cards have been placed to counter the greedy control decks, taunt walls, players that delay lethal, and those that stack ridiculous amounts of armor and healing.


OTK is only an “issue” when it’s older cards. Because a player isn’t spending money on the game. Hence, the mechanic keeps making its way into the newer releases. They’ll keep nerfing it in older releases so people have to keep buying newer ones.

…but just don’t call it pay to win.

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Regardless there should not be any otk that blind sides you left and right in standard and wild. It’s a bad desgin choice and needs to be looked at. All i want to see is some way to counter or make it harder for people to pull it off. They should not be100% eliminated from the but also should not be as powerful and easy to pull off as is right now.

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So you’re saying that the answer to people playing the game strategically to out wit their opponent is to have an I win button if the match goes on too long? Bad logic is bad.

Unfortunately, that particular toothpaste is out of the tube.

You can tell from their design and what they are rotating that they are working with bringing more of it in than reducing it.

You can…by trying to get those hard to get/more expensive cards. Hence my “don’t call it pay to win” comment. I don’t want to sound cynical…but I used to create and run really interesting theme/flavor decks. They kept getting wrecked by various flavor of the month OTK decks.

I finally realized that if I wanted to actually keep playing and have any semblance of enjoyment left, I either needed to avoid regular paly entirely (which I do), or beat them at their own game. So I put together my own using the lists out there and found it was like the old west: whoever drew theirs first.

Tavern brawl isn’t too bad…and single player is tolerable when it isn’t keep hitting your head against the rng wall until you win a few dozen or hundred games later.

…and they wonder why new people aren’t coming in.

Welcome to the new hearthstone. No wonder their metrics keep falling off across the board and the stock keeps falling.

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Everything you say is true. This is why I went to wild because I’m not spending nearly any amount of money into this game till I see some improvements. Got to rank 4 last season with only needing to craft a rare and a common card and sitting on a lot of dust so I can craft what I need for next expan. All i see down there is otk and agro decks. No in between or anything like that.

Agro decks you can counter easily and I have no issue with them existing. OTK is a nope for what they can do to you.


IMO the easiest solution is neutral OTK disruption. Not too much, not too expensive, not too over/under powered. There’s some already out there, but its limited to wild or class specific.

There is at least one priest deck that can OTK you by turn 5, and there is no counter to this at all unless you have some way to gain a lot of armor. Any game that gives one player a way to win with absolutely no counter from the other player is broken in a fundamental way. There is a clear need to move some of the current problem cards (notably Malygos, which is used in a LOT of OTK exploit decks) to Wild at this point, as the newer cards + Maly are way too OP.

One way to deal with OTK is to build in an auto-immune for any player after X damage in one turn. For example, if over 15 damage, then the player can not take more damage that turn. This would still allow “normal” games, but prevent OTK.

That would just push it out one turn. Ice block used to do that for mages (moment of silence for Jaina), and the time out now does that for pallies, but all’s that does is give the opponent the next turn to pull off their otk.

I suppose that looks neat in those “best of” videos (which are fun to watch)…but in practice getting locked out when you aren’t playing an otk deck means you get to watch as someone sets up and blasts you off the board.

I hear you on priests though. It seems they have way more otk options than anyone…either that or they pop up more often. Who knows.

OTK is a legitimate strategy.
It puts an end to ridiculously long and uneventful games.
You can play your long games, fine.
But I can play my instant win just fine as well.

Your logic is worse by the way.

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