You cannot win.
My dad died two years ago now and I am still lost. I often wake up and my instinct is to call him. I need therapy.
Oh, it’s on…
There is no therapy. When my Mother died, I did the same thing, and I have missed her every day since 2001.
It does get better, but you will never be the same:(
Hang in there, Kills. Your Dad would tell you to keep going.
My dad wouldn’t tell me to keep going, he’d tell me how he misses his father. He was not a good example of a person. I always thought that I had prepared for his death because I knew the life he was living. I out of a feeling of obligation tried to call and talk to him every day. I tried to make sure to do things with him, like fishing. I tried and I don’t think he ever did but felt it was just owed to him despite my upbringing, which he made Hell.
Despite it all, it is still absolutely killing me. He was like a really F’d up best friend in which I made sure to make things okay. But the biological need for a father, which keeps tricking me when I wake that he is still alive, and our real friendship that was screwed up albeit. I am like stuck right there.
I wish I had answers for you.
The only treatment I know is time.
I would say to go out and make a friend in the World.
It helps, I promise:)
I’m only crying like a child. I do appreciate you being here for me, man. Thank you.
I love ya, man. And I mean that in the best possible way.
Ok Kills, Here is one for my best Straight boy:)
I think Susanna was hotter than the Sun in her prime.
So this song is something very different for me.
Here is why I care.
“Even when I make a mistake, it’s much better than that.”
My mistakes have been the most pleasureful times of my life. I am not talking good times, I am talking souless pleasure. Just pleasure of pure self interest.
Anything that is “even greater than a mistake” has to be good. Hard to explain but this song someway resonates with me.
There you go. I am drunk too so there i sthat.
Dolly will not be repeated.