New to me. But I like it. The drummer thumps.
Here’s one that every real gamer knows.
Just for the feels.
New to me. But I like it. The drummer thumps.
Here’s one that every real gamer knows.
Just for the feels.
I think all people who play guitar think they play badly and people who don’t play think most people sound good lol
I think I’m very very mediocre but I learn fast. Friends think I’m great but I know all the little things I wish I could do well and know I do them poorly, like getting pinch harmonics perfect most of the time. Takes lots of time and patience.
Yeah. I have known some amazing guitar players in my day.
I actually got to hang with Eric Johnson back in the day in Austin.
Best I ever saw personally.
Haven’t listened to kittie in a long time.
can´t really go past Tosin Abasi if you´re talking Guitar
such a different approach to the instrument than most, it´s a little like when i listen to sudan archieves playing the violin.
Try some French Jazz
You’re only half wrong tho. I’ve never seen a jazz fan have a lowbrow. Their brows are always up when listening.
Unless it’s doom jazz, then you have no brow at all and are only floating in existential dread of misery.
That and Sanctuary are Utadas best stuff. Tried listening to her other non-KH stuff and they just didn’t hit it off for me. But those two KH songs? Damn…too much nostalgia.
I actually…like that.
I love exploring new stuff and fact of the matter is that i’ve grew up owning a video/audio/game store since childhood only reinforces my desire to find out about new non-popular stuff.
ALSO, how else am i supposed to promote my own music as well
(which you can check out here )
i guess that´s because people on the internet talking about anything are usually pretty enthusiastic about the topic. And once you´re in deep it´s really hard too see that sth. probably is not half as well known as you´d assume (as per example, from everything i posted here it would not occur to me that anything but Anthony Joseph and maaybe Alfa Mist are not broadly known, as that´s all records/artists that come to the forefront of my mind immediately on the topic). But i think that´s rather great.
belittling sth that does not harm you and brings joy to many reflects poorly on yourself.
As a Chef it´s my firm conviction that taste (apart from the basics that help us figure out if stuff is poisonous) is nothing you are born with, but a skill you hone your whole life. Everything new you taste with an open mind will broaden your horizon and help you appreciate different things more, and often times coming back to sth with another mood or just more experiences will make you feel different about it.
E.g. i struggled a lot in my youth to make a connection to music at all, everyone listen to it but the stuff never spoke to me. It took me till i was about 15 to find a radio station that played actually “good” music and in time it has grown to the point where live without “good” music is utterly pointless existence for me.
Also in those years i thought System of a Down was a mainstream band and i couldn´t really see why people around me were so hype about them. Nowadays i think they have been rather justified.
You sure do love posting cringe lol.
I’m likely in the minority, here, but, when I’m gaming, I enjoy listening to the in-game music, rofl!
Me too! I never used to, but the past couple of days I have been. It helps me to immerse into the game.
On that note, Hearthstone needs more music!
modern Classic
Guitar (fusion) music
Just now listened to Paco de Lucia for a bit, absolutely beautiful and with some fire too. Thanks for sharing.
Your ‘music’ has been the cringiest thing in this thread by far.
Been into OST while playing HS these days …
Goblin Slayer , shield hero , demon slayer , older anime ost , etc
@Nastygal & @LadyDeadpool
I wish i had you two on my facebook feed. Your undying unprovoked hate would be a breath of fresh air amongst all the memes and adorable pet comics.