Option to Increase BG Combat Speed and Finish Turn Early

2 suggestions.

  1. have the option to click “ready” when you finish your turn with time left, and if everyone hits ready, you can start the round earlier…

  2. ability to increase the speed in combat. Some combats take FOREVER especially reborn undead… please add option to 2x the speed or something.

In fact, when I tab out of my iphone tab to something else and come back like 10 seconds later, the combat is officially over and so i get the upper hand and get an extra xxx many seconds by doing that… so there should definitely be an option to 2x or more.

It’s only the first laps where we have a little time.
Sometimes it allows you to chat quietly if you’re in a duo or to think if you’re solo.

I don’t think it would be useful to put that “ready” button to only save, perhaps, 3 or even 5 seconds of game time.

But if there was such a button, I hope it would be far from the board (not like the portal which is poorly placed because sometimes you put down a card when you wanted to pass it).

True BUT the risk would be to “crash” the game.
There are already problems with disconnections (I’m talking about involuntary ones).
In addition, don’t forget that during our fight, the others have time for their turn.

Many people do it to have more time.
I wish I had more time actually WITHOUT doing it. (I don’t do it, I don’t like that).)
And if we have more time, then let’s opt for the “ready” option…

You already admitted that you have enough time every turn to tab out, the long animations will fill that time. Are you suggesting that you don’t enjoy seeing 120 seconds of reborn and deathrattles? Enjoy your 30 second turn time.

…what ?

need more character

with 8 people it seems incredibly unlikely for this to ever happen

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I don’t see why that’s so unlikely lol, that isn’t an excuse to not implement a simple feature like this that has 0 downsides and only upsides

Player frustration is a downside

It’s not that we don’t like it, it’s just that we don’t find it very useful and what’s more, it would give the developer work for not much.

But if your wish was granted, I wouldn’t mind “Ambition”. :slightly_smiling_face: