Opponent starts with 1o extra life plus cards

these are obviously veteran players, why are i regularly competing against them?

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They are using this card:

Legendary · Minion · Murder at Castle Nathria · Your deck size and starting Health are 40.

This does not make the deck better automatically. You have more health but it is also more difficult to draw the cards you need in a particular situation.

Veteran and beginners have the same accessibility to cards and powerlevels in the sens that there’s no mechanic in the game that will make an account have a “physical” advantage against another player like you could see in other games (like Warcraft Rumble for example)

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Be honest this is a huge advantage , as most players will run out of cards.
With out even considering the extra 10 health.
Only veterans will have the card in the 1st case.

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40 cards won’t help you if an aggro deck can steamroll you by turn 5.

And what do you mean that only veterans have this card? If you buy 1 Murder at Castle Nathria card pack and go to the pack opening menu you will recieve this card as well.

Buy, key word.
good to know i can buy this advantage.

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1 card pack costs 100 gold so if you just play the game for a bit you get it for free.

TY im not trying to be harsh, glad to know i will eventully get there.

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You’ll get used to him eventually. You either learn to bring bigger guns or enough lifesteal that you got double their health even without Renathal

so you ve been playing this gme …wtihout spending gold on packs…riiiiiight

Please look at his post history. In this case he might actually have.

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It is a very unfair card to new players, yes. The “downside” of a 40 vs 30 card deck is minimal at this point. The same way having a football team with 40 of the best players instead of 30 of the best players, is a minimal difference. It doesn’t change the fact you’re going against 40 of the best players with 30 high school kids.

It apparars unfair to new people but 8 times outta ten whoever the Renehaler is in question made their deck significantly WORSE by going quantity over quality. I’ve never seen a Renehal deck that isn’t just standing there like an idiot unable to do anything for at least 3 turns.
Forget the downside, the real downside is it’s a tactical anti idiot device, if someone wants to put in 9 more way too expensive cards in their deck then they clearly expected to only draw upwards of 5 costs cards and die like the Regigigas slow start they put on themselves

That comparison doesn’t stand
They have access to the same cards as you do. The difference is that they have 40 instead of 30, but they don’t play with more cards per turn than you.
A deck of 30 cards will have a better average level than a 40 cards deck, which means that their average powerlevel per turn will be lower than yours.

Using your comparison, it’s like playing a footbal game with 7 players on the field for each team, with 23 backups in a team and 33 in the other team
When a player is exhausted, a random backup replaces them on the field.
Yes, the 33 backups team will have a better stamina on the very long run, but since 10 of their players are worse than their other 30s, and worse than the 30s of the opponent team, they will lose efficiency each time one of these 10 worse players enter the field (especially with one of them, Renathal, being a really bad player on the field)

The match will almost never reach the complete exhaustion of the 30 players team so the added stamina is rarely an advantage
Stretching the comparison, it’s like having a team of league 1 players matched against a team being a mix of league 1 and league 2 and the match starts with 0-1


Yes it does. Or are you saying my bank account with 0 dollars has the same access to Jeff Bezos fleet of yachts? If so, I’d love to take a long vacation, unfortunately I don’t think I do have the same access. But please let me know if I do, it’d really make my life

they need to nerf that card, every wild game, and i mean every one of last 100 opponent played it. it needs a downside, 40 cards but hp is 20 max. or hp is 40 but cards are max 25. it’s just boring when it’s one must play card for everyone.

you don’t need to be a veteran to have all the cards required to build one competitive deck
there’s nothing more to explain…
And veteran players don’t have access to specific game features that make their decks better than those of the other players
A player cna start playing the game, get the free deck, progress through the free tavern pass, buy packs, optimize the deck they’ve received and voila, they have a competitive deck with the same features that 8 years old players have

That’s 2 downsides…

That’s 2 upsides…

I’m not sure you understand what’s strong about the card

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it has a downside it forces you to run 40 cards

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40 cards isn’t a detriment these days. just get more synergies with all the dredge discover infinitum.

Running 1 terribly bad card and 9 sub optimal cards is a detriment

Even if you were to play 40 cards with the exact same powerlevel, 10 extra cards still messes up with your curve