I noticed, that many minions feel like spells. What I mean is, that they are played for their immidiate impact and not to stick around and build a board. Cards without an immediate impact are often automatically bad.
Examples: Moonstone Mauler, Mixologist and Observer of Mysteries are only played for their effects, you don’t care about their bodies.
I would prefer a metagame with more onboard effects, that encourage board based gameplay. Maybe even a decrease in powerlevel overall to make them viable. Some less battlecries and spellburst and more trigger or aura effects.
What are your opinions? Do you see this trend as well? If yes: Do you like it? Or what would you change?
Little sidenote:
Please answer and discuss friendly. I see a lot of insults in this forum. Specially towards blizzard and the designer of team five. Please talk about the game, not people. Thank you!
In World of Warcraft I learned that everything is a spell. You drop a minion: it’s a spell: a spell that makes a body of certain stats.
Everything is magic in the Warcraft world.
Well i still run a shaman deathrattle deck. And i can tell you why people play for the impact.
Because there have been so many op cards added nowadays that if your minions simply wont stay alive.
Either it will be hit and killed by big damage spells, it will be polymorphed, it will be mindcontrolled , it will be shuffled into your deck or enemies deck, it will be silenced, it will be removed from the game ( wich now also has far more possible cards than just 1 mage legendary we had before)
So ofcourse with all these effects people are going to play for them. Because your minions likely wont live unless you baited the dangerous cards out of their hand. But well nowadays there also are decks where for example mages will never have an empthy hand because even if they accidently fart they will discover a card from somewhere