Open All Button

When is Hearthstone going to get an open all button for cards!? Waiting 4 hours to open up 350 packs is ridiculous. They finally fixed where you can buy more than 1 pack at a time, this needs to be next.

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Your best bet next time is to place something heavy on your spacebar and then just walk away for a while.


They have the spacebar feature now, but it’s buggy. I tested it on a few packs and one press does not equal one open. It did multiple opens more than once for no reason.

Simple interface change:

“How many packs would you like to open at a time?”

“Enter number:”

“You want to open (number of packs? Confirm:”

“YES” “NO”

It would just be a port over of the feature they use in the buying multiple packs in the shop, but with a slight tweak. The confirmation feature make sure people can’t say they opened too may or whatever, and prevents the cat running on keyboard issues.

But then your addiction to open packs goes away, how will blizz get your money then?

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A casino would never let a patron make 50 plays on one slot machine at the same time. You have to pull the lever every play.

You already “made the play” when you bought (and it does the similar confirmation process. Hence my comment about making a similar one for opening packs.

You don’t BUY packs one at a time, do you? This game would have died a month after launch if that were the case.