Open a Ticket? Or am I stuck here being ignored?

Is there ANY way to open a ticket with tech support? I posted on here three days ago and have gotten zero response from TS. I tried to open a ticket using the “contact blizzard support” but it just keeps directing me to these forums, which seem to me largely ignored by Blizzard.

Awesome service guys. You’re about to lose another customer who’s been willing to put money into this game since day 1. What a joke.

Unusable since Patch 15. The app freezes on the tavern door load screen. I’ve deleted and reinstalled the app on TWO different iPads. After reinstalling, I can’t even get to the login screen.

iPad Air 2 running iOS 13 public Beta (4)
iPad Pro running iOS 12.3.1

They both have the exact same problem.

I have the same prob :confused:

I am not very good at Tech support myself, but I have a few suggestions:

You can open a ticket by going to the “support” link at the top of this page. The trick is to find a “not listed here” link, so that you can open a ticket. Took me a while, when going for technical support it never suggested that link. Anyways, try this:

iOS support questions are probably better asked in the Mac tech support forum:

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I agree with the info Rhasimir gave you.

If you look a little farther down in the tech support forum, you’ll see that Blizzard answered RogerWilco’s first post regarding this problem. They instructed him to open a ticket (same link as Rhasimir gave you).