Onyxia Puzzle 6/8

Absolutely embarrassing for, not just any game company, but ACTIVISION BLIZZARD, to not be able to keep their content working.

It’s always been a meme that Blizzard doesn’t know how to balance things, but to nerf a card what is NEEDED to progress solo content without otherwise updating said content, ultimately leaving it unplayable is beyond my wildest fantasies. I could not have come up with anything more pathetic if I tried.

Puzzle remains unsolvable due to increased cost of “Snowfall Graveyard” from 3 to 5.


still not yet fixed…

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I have the same issue…

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Still unsolvable.

@Blizzard: bug-fix, please.


going to Twitter (X) seems to be the fastest way to get a response/ talk to a real person from them. just post and do @Blizzard CS and someone should reply to you shortly. They may just redirect you to here since it seems like they don’t do tickets for hearthstone, but it’s worth a shot.

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Same problem here, I spent 2 hours doing that puzzle and couldn’t get it right. I thought to myself, maybe I am too stupid… but of course there is a bug because the card is changed and puzzle is now impossible…

blizzard confirmed it will be fixed in 29.6 update



Based on the current state, I found another bug.
The 5->3 mana seems to make it impossible, but it should simply be possible with this sequence: Preparation → Snowfall Graveyard → Forsaken Lieautenant → Elwynn Boar → Forsaken Lieautenant → Elwynn Boar → boars attack any enemy → Backstab a boar → Extortian final boar

This should get 8/7 Elwynn Boar deaths to summon the sword, and it doesn’t.
Double bugged it seems.
Please fix Blizzard, and I’d love a notification when it’s fixed so I can finish it

Blizzard please fix this

It got fixed!!!

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Finally, success! :sunglasses: :ok_hand:

Yes, you can do it now. :partying_face:

I did solve the puzzle tonight.
I didn’t write it all down, but I played 2/2 copy minion, boar, and such in between, so that eventually, the last 3 cards I had were the 2 undamaged minion (1 of which I used to kill the exploding sheep to wipe every minion, except of course for the boar in my hand) cards and a boar. I saved a boar and the deal 2 damage to an undamaged minion for my last 2 plays to then get the weapon. I did finish the rest of the last 2puzzles problem free. Maybe I’ll go back and replay it if someone else doesn’t solve now with this help

Why did you just reopen a topic, which has become useless, and give the solution (which I have not verified) when we said that the bug had been fixed ?