Only DK and warrior in standart

maybe small indie company wants to nerf plagues (dk) and turn 6 brann (war) and other decks starts to play?


Yup getting really really STUPID and BORING – the devs literally are lazy.

you can play any class you want

It only cares about the BG mode and the complaints from the important streams of her game, the rest of us don’t exist… rubbish and idiotic company!! It’s better to play other TCGs than to waste time in this game.

But not every playstyle when 70% om my matches in gold are Plague bots that cancel Reno due to the lack of deck cleansing or Zoo any class bots that vomit on board constantly.

according to HSreplay spell token hunter is overwhelmingly the deck with the highest winrate, and it’s getting more popular right now.