One of the biggest problems

In the beginning you could never ever have 2 legendary cards in the same deck. Even when discover started it was not allowed.

I believe one of the biggest problems with this game is the ability to discover legendary cards and this needs to stop. Nobody should be able to discover the same legendary even once let alone 2-4 times in a game.


so recycling should be added instead ?
is a common mechanic in card games and instead of a random mechanic like discover most card games allow you to choose which card you want added to your hand to play it again

2 4 times or more withouy relying on rng to do it

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I don’t give a damn what OTHER card games do. This game was 1000000x better BEFORE discovery was added.

You also must be a dev or staff because you defend them like noone else. Guess your just some butthurt child who can’t stand your game being critisized.


it was worse

all generation depended only on rng and with discover we get to choose from a pool to play cards we dont want to add to our decks like inmolate

thx to discover i got to try the legendary amalgam a lot before deciding to use my dust to craft it

and if i ever get bored of a deck like imp warlock or any other low rng deck i can always build a fun mage deck with infinitize the magnitude

Im more with OP on this, I think legendary cards should be capped at 1 per match, period. End of story. If you accidentally discover a legendary and it gets played and you have one in your deck, you have to pick which one will be played because when you do the other goes away forever and can never be reclaimed. This restriction would also apply to deck creation. 1 legendary total.

Im salty because I have like 2 legendaries per expansion lol. Its just not feasible to get very many on the amount of gold I can earn per expansion, I barely earn enough to buy the mini set. I’d love to stop seeing so many Mages in Duels spamming every Hero changing legendary there is over and over again back and forth. lol.

Edit: Being transparent about my bias as to my view on this. Full disclosure. That sorta thing.

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And I don’t give a damn about what you think this game should be doing if you are a person who disregards outside factors influencing this game.

Other card games are what inspired this game to exist in the first place. To ignore them and not draw comparisons seems stupid.

Name two digital card came that came out before Hearthstone? I bet you actually think World of Warcraft was the 1st MMO.

Physical card games didn’t have discovery and there was I am sorry 1 digital card game prior to this one but it didn’t last long and as far as I know didn’t have any discovery in it as well.

WoW is an MMO for toddlers who find that real punishments on death are too hardcore for them. Everquest on the other hand… :joy:

As for discovery, such an effect was merely an upgrade to an existing effect already in Hearthstone: “get a random card”. Ever since Unstable Portal existed, potentially WINNING YOU THE ENTIRE GAME IN A SINGLE RANDOMLY GENERATED CARD AND THEN DISCOUNTING IT, Hearthstone has been about it’s randomly generated cards. The playerbase at the time was rather unhappy about it too. Discover feels better than pure random card generation, and ever since it’s inception it has been taken positively, until recently anyway.

And Hearthstone isn’t even the first game to allow you to bring cards outside of your deck into the game. MTG has a plethora of cards that has the text “get a card that you own from outside the game”, meaning your side board that you set up in advance. You would set up a 15 card side board and you could pick one to put into your hand. Discover is a carbon copy of that.

Magic the Gathering, Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh.

Ironically despite being one of the first dccgs, hearthstone is often the last one to get basic universal features of them like sufficient deck slots, duplicate protection, and going over the deck limit during deckbuilding. HS got these features several years after all the other dccgs did, most of which had them from the moment of launch.

but last time i checked shadowverse doesnt have duplicate protection and runeterra didnt had it accross all rarities only champions and epics

and didnt runeterra and shadowverse ( not sure about this one because i havent touched it in a long time ) add discover after HS ?

Discover isn’t really a universal dccg feature, just a mechanic some of them have. You’re right about dupe protection though, a lot of them don’t bother with common/rare dupe protection (and in fact HS doesn’t either, they only do it for legends). If we’re counting card mechanics as features, tradeable was done by duelyst and mythgard way before it was done by hearthstone.

First, no secrets in the game. then your argument will make sense.

HS has duplicate protection for all rarities

I played MTG back in the physical days and no one ever played with a side board. If that came in it came in after I left…

We´ll the sideboard rule has been in MTG since early 94… So, you played for like a year at best?

Probably played with a really casual group of friends who never used sideboards.