Once again another brawl op gets f’n perfect draws!

I’m so SICK of these brawls! Every god damn opponent getting perfect cards!

I have to concede 8 times in a row because every god damn opponent gets perfect cards and perfect draws! I want to scream !

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The easiest way to predict the outcome by 100% is to lose on purpose.

I’m not sure you understand the format if you conceded EIGHT times.

Do you know even “bad spells” will summon a big minion anyway?

Well, maybe look at it the other way around: if you already expect an almost certain outcome, play around it, by “provoking” the use the card and by minimizing your loss at the same time (by holding in hand your best cards a bit longer) … Or maybe don’t be so hasty, and let your opponent take some lead in the board presence to avoid the use of such effective brawls (if he already has a good board on his side he will lose cards as well in a brawl) …
I hope those ideas could help you somehow, because losing 8 games in-a-row I think it’s maybe a bit too much …

It happens. Premium "R"NG is a thing. And ignore all those who try to tell you that your 6 mana spell summoning a 1/1 , while the opponet “randomly” gets one op legendary after another is somehow a matter of skill.

He’s right.

Hearthstone has always been swayed heavily by RNG, despite how well you played or baited your opponent into misplaying.

The only difference now is, with these new “modern cards”, that RNG gap has only gotten much, much wider.