Old Cards, New Keywords

Okay so this has been on my mind for a while, but wouldn’t it be cool if they took old cards and gave them some of the keywords that we have now? Provided they make sense thematically of course

Like, remember Shu’ma? Of course you don’t. It was a really terrible card from Descent of Dragons that basically saw no play. But whaz if we fixed that by adding Colossal, +6 as a keyword? The card gets to keep its ability to summon a bunch of tentacles, but now there’s room for an additional effect to make the card much better like maybe : “Whenever a tentacle dies while this is on the board, resummon it with +1/+1”

Its crazy, has room for experimentation and actual drawbacks like clogging your own field.

Or what about the Twin Emperors? Vek’lor could get Elusive and Vek’nilash can get Can only take 1 damage at a time , the puepose of this being to both buff the cards and make them more in line with the boss versions in WoW.

These are just 2 examples tho off the top pf my head.

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They talked about re-running cavern of time meta for twist this winter(july is another season of prebuilt and then should be a month or 2 of no twist) so it could be interesting if they reworked/buffed a few of the un-played old cards to shake it up again.


I might have suggested it before, but I would have put Tradable on some of the old tech cards. Especially the ones that are a bit weaker. Like the old weapon removal ones outclassed by viper and kobold sticky fingers. Could even be added to a few of the weapons and spells.