Old card backs for sale is anoying

Listen to me blizzard…you cant doing this…you cant go back in time every single little kid to have some card back of 2015 exactly 5 years before that we blood for it and now some little kids have it for 3euro oMGGG at least 200 euro must be their prices however my answer of this project is this:THEY CANT HAVE IT!!!best for them to play this month to get the 2020october card back so 2 years after now make a little trip on his card back and saw them and have memories and emotions of those days…card backs must never sells for gold or money they are unique…thats the political of the game…people that choose smthing other from play hearthstone this month will loose forever this month card back…otherwise why play this month?it will be for sale after some years and iwll take it maybe lol who cares…come on dont sale old card back otherwise its the only way to make me stop this game.


They can do it all they want, they most def have the power. Plus they likely will do it when profit it there.

Your talking about should they do it entirely different meaning than can should try again.

As for should they ya there is no real reason for x pixals to be better than these x pixals if they can make a profit there rather than raising card packs or other areas that matter to make targets that there going to aim for either way much better to do it in that area that dosent matter. No one cares if x player has the same card pack of you that you just got via playing on x month it’s not something to be super proud of it’s not like you won the Nobel prize or hit legand to get it. Buying the legend card back that is always accessible via in game means thou I would disagree but a shortcut is different than making patterns obtainable.

Also you leaving is most likly meh. As someone who will buy card backs likly pays more:


uhh wut ? i never blood myself to get a mere 5 win monthly for my card back…and honestly i think its very nice that they offer them trough sale for the few months i missed…and lol ? kids ? i think you dont realize that a lot of players are full grown adults…other than that…memories and emotion for a card back ? the hell ? sorry i got no emotion for them but i do like the shinies ones…that said i probably stick forever to my pizza card back…gotta make opponents hungry ya know :3

with all said…i wish you a good journey on rethinking why you left for a silly reason like that…the only card back ppl did bleed for is the legendary card back…e-sport…and likely region locked ones if they paid a plane to go get them(college card and other with dumb conditions like that)…but ya…i cant have your back for ranked cards…ppl got them with ease…and not everyone is obsess with heartstone to play compulsively…the only card i be happy to get a second opportunity to get is the old halloween card that i missed with a pumpkin…rest of the ones i missed would only be a collectible collecting dust to never be use

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You don’t have to buy it if you don’t want it. I’m perfectly happy spending gold on old card backs from before I started really playing. And I strongly suspect there are a lot of players like me.

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Sure they can. Hell, they don’t even need to pay real money for it, they can just fork out 500 gold.


Exactly what I did. 500 gold? Sold.


Bled for it? Every child and their mother could get the card backs. It’s for newer players to gain those card backs.


players that looses card back of some months they dont deserve them to have them never!that’s the political of the game kids…that’s why you need 5 wins every month to take it!you must have guts!card backs must never go at shop and sells for gold lol!!!if blizzard want to collect gold and sells treasure of past time and past emotion of other game players the must create some new cool card backs and sells them that’s how they must do it!

His right you know.
Its a sort of achievement.
You cant buy a diploma and become doctor over the night…
Oh wait never mind.
Good job Blizzard.

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Old card backs aren’t some sort of special achievement. They’re a participation trophy. Almost literally; you only need to earn 5 wins in the entire month to get one.

Because you enjoy hearthstone? To collect all the cards in the sets?

Honestly, if you’re playing just to collect card backs, there are better games for that sort of thing

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Grats, OP. You reeled in a bunch of carp.

Can’t agree more. Buying old card backs is ridiculous.


100% agree, these should be unique rewards for those that earned them.

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