I’m annoyed that I have to write this again because moderators were to lazy to remove the trolls posts on my last one and just deleted the entire thread, instead of just removing the posts by the troll.

Blizzard has a double standard when it comes to addressing certain decks and allowing certain decks to exist in the game.

When SOS warlock was in place in WILD… they killed it because they said that the otk on turn 6 was not fun to go up against and did not create a fun experience for players. But the reality is, that was a lie, because if that were truely the case, they would not allow the same type of mechanic to be available for another class.

Right now, Rouge has the ability to OTK lethal on turn 6 from hand. And there are only 2 cards that counter it, Objection for mages and reckoning for paladins.

And than there’s the nurtal card of the Mad Duke on Turn 6, however, that is only possible if you went first, otherwise it’s to slow to stop the rouge from pulling off this combo.

Decks like this rouge deck should not be allowed in the game. Every single time I’ve gone up against a Rouge running this deck, they have been able to pull of the OTK from hand on turn 6 killing me from full health.

I would not have an issue with decks like this if Blizzard provided more cards for classes that could be used to be able to counter such decks. But forcing players to have to play either Mage or Paladin and hope they get that 1 card in their mulligan or draw before turn 6 does not provide an overall positive experience in the game.

It’s an absolute waste of time for players to go up against decks like this, when it’s not possible to do anything to counter it if you’re playing another class. Stop making decks like this. Be consistent when you remove the ability for a mechanic like this to be removed from one class, than don’t provide another class with the same type of ability.

I’ts not fair to players who either #1 don’t play mage or paladin #2 don’t have all the cards to be able to build decks for these classes.

If these are the type of decks you guys want in the game, then at least create cards for various classes that players can include in decks for the classes they have cards for that can counter such decks.

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