Oh boy a new hero skin!

Not everyone plays this game to win, for many people their collection matter much more. The collecting part of the game is what appeal much more to them then the random RNG and horrible meta. So to those players, collecting cards and cosmetic is a large part of “gameplay”.

It is such a dumb argument that people say collecting items is not important in a cards collection game.


Times like this I’m glad that alternate hero portraits mean nothing to me. Personally, other than Arthas and Tyrande, I don’t think any of them are improvements on the original golden versions anyway.

My days of blowing 80+ bucks on this game every few months are long gone.


If you are this sort of person, then why do you care about what the bundle costs?

A person who is a truly - as you say - a “collector” … a person who prizes complete possession of a collection … would understand that getting a complete collection is difficult. They would accept the reality that some part of a collection are hard to get because they’re rare and expensive. They would appreciate that some parts of a collection would take a lot of time and work to get. And they would even be the kind of person that would ENJOY knowing that their collection took time, effort, and (yes) sometimes money in order to make it a part of their collection.

I’ve never heard of a true “collector” that wanted their collection to be so cheap, so easy to get, and so low in value that anyone could do it without expending any real effort or sacrifice. If you actually value collectibility, then why are you quibbling over the effort/resources needed to get a rare prize for your collection?

It makes no sense. Collectors don’t care about the stuff that is cheap and easy to get. That’s the trash that anyone has. Collectors are all about having the stuff that’s rare, troublesome, and expensive to get. That’s the stuff they frame and put on a wall and tell stories to guests about how hard it was to get it.


They still don’t get it after all this time. They still don’t get that letting players play heroes that they like (i.e. not Anduin) will = profit.

They would rather throw more shiny things to people who pay way too much for hearthstone cards.

and arthas with kotft,

if bobby kotick was less greedy you mean


Based on what data? The hero portrait for $9.99 in the store was a failed experiment. People didn’t (and still don’t) open their wallets for 10 dollar portraits.

What some people still don’t “get” is that the $80 isn’t for the hero portrait. The HP is just a special “thank you” for the people that spend $80 to on cards. Players who aren’t interested (or willing) to spend $80 on cards don’t have any reason to expect that they should be getting that bonus because it’s not for them.


What part of putting in $80.00 took time and effort? I do not enjoy spending money to make my collection a good one. I love spending time and effort. I love winning and getting better in arena so I can get more card packs to complete my collection, I love leveling up to level 20 in WOW to get Lady Liadrin, I love trying time and time again to defeat the Lich King with all 9 classes to get Arthas. I love years of hard work turning my favorite classes finally into golden. I love the game for the hard work and dedication it takes, it does give the player a sense of accomplishment. I don’t feel accomplished by pulling in my CC number and getting a hero. Of course I did spend money for the 3 hero skins in the shop because they were quite affordable and I used it as a reward for myself. But I think many collectors will agree with me the fun part about collecting is the how you got it. A collection is like a trophy, buying it doesn’t mean anything, working for it does.

Plus the point that we as collectors shouldn’t care that we are spending $80.00 for a hero because we take pride in what we do is a dumb argument. I do take pride in my collection, I also take pride in many other things, I take pride in my kids and my wife but that doesn’t mean I want to spend $80 unnesscery for them for no reason at all.


The “free” legendary card is also now neatly locked in the bundle.

i did and would again

it is because the hero isn’t in the shop without the packs, if you want the hero, you have to buy the packs even if you don’t need them

i wish they’d do it more often, promote their other games, say “win x games on hots to get a hero” or “play x games on overwatch to get a hero” etc


What part of putting in $80.00 took time and effort?

The part where you had to put in time and effort to earn 80 bucks, for starters. :slight_smile:

The HP is a bonus for people who ARE willing to spend 80 bucks. It’s their money. They earned it. Choosing to sacrifice it to get the bigger bundle shows that a person is a supporter. The Hero Portrait is an extra for those persons.

You want to have that portrait too. As a self-proclaimed ‘collector’, that 80 sacrifice is part of the experience. Some things in a collection are hard to get because it requires a lot of physical work. Some parts of a collection are hard to get because they COST more.

If you don’t understand that, then you aren’t a real collector. You’re dilettante. You don’t mind when things are easy to get, cheap, or don’t inconvenience you too much. But when the rubber meets the road, you want things to be handed to you or you back off. A real collector doesn’t do that. So none of this pretense that this is about “the collection”. This is about your personal convenience.

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Uh, based on the obvious observation that players of all games like hero customization, and playing a hero that looks and feels good to them. I.e. not Anduin.

And they don’t like having to pay extra for the most basic customization that people expect. The more likeable hero options people have, the more likely they will stick around and play the game, and spend money.

If you wanted to play Priest in Wow, but the only priest anyone in World of Warcraft was allowed to play was Anduin, would that be a good situation? No.


so you are telling me If you spent money on a fake trophy for a fake event, you would feel pride in it because it took effort for you to get the money to buy the trophy?

Better example: If there was a contest and the only way to win is to be the one to spend $80.00 to win the trophy, would you feel pride if you won?


So are you telling me if you got a fake trophy for a fake event you would brag about how awesome it was to everyone that you got it for a nickel?

Better example: If there was a contest and everyone got a first place trophy for a nickel, would you consider it a valuable addition to a collection?

*furiously munching popcorn


Congratulations! You’re part of the minority! I can’t wait to read your dumb Fortnite comparison again! It’s coming, isn’t it?

That makes no sense… Why would you not “need” those packs? Packs of a NEW EXPANSION whose cards you don’t have yet??? Not to mention the random golden legendary/regular legendary of your choice.

That would be nice, admittedly. Wished they did that more often.

And have players complain how they would have to buy Overwatch to do that. People who don’t have Overwatch would go “This hero is locked behind $40/60 paywall!” Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty darn sure Overwatch has not become free-to-play.

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The héros I work for costs me nothing in money true, but it cost work and effort. I can’t pay my way to getting 500 ranked wins or level 20 in WOW. If I did truly work for it then yes, i would show off a trophy that is worth a nickel

If I did work for the trophy i would take pride in it, even if everyone got first place.

Answer my questions now

You guys need cheaper Heroes.

I selected Wardrum as my Hero, he works for Snickers and Pop Corn…


so you are telling me If you spent money on a fake trophy for a fake event, you would feel pride in it because it took effort for you to get the money to buy the trophy?

I would not personally do this because I am not a person who invests emotions into things that I consider to be insignificant trifles.

However, I accept that I live in a world where people do this ALL the time. The world is full of people who specifically spend lots of money on things for the specific purpose spending more money on something than someone else would. And yeah, they are proud of it. I don’t get it, personally, but it’s a thing.

So the “high expense” aspect of collectability is a reality. Not for me, and evidently not for you, but for many other people? Sure. The difference between you and me is that I accept that “Expensiveness” is a valid metric for those who are into collecting things. You don’t want it to be so … at least when it comes to Hearthstone Hero Portraits. :slight_smile:

Again, I not a person who has any skin in that game. I wouldn’t even be entering the contest because winning it or losing it would have no meaning to me in the first place.

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Many of us who want new heroes want them because they offer variety and flavor to the game. What if you played a board game that had few pictures, all drawn on paper, and plain text and board? The whole point of heroes is cosmetic, so to say they’re useless to the gameplay is comparing apples to oranges. We know that, we don’t care, we still want it cause they’re fun.

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And that isn’t even my final form!!
