Objection should be Core

Yeah. I go back to the beginning:)
We didn’t even have card backs in Our day! lol
(shakes fist at kids)

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Oh, got another one for you — you might like it, since it’s about Mage after all. :grinning:

Remember when the Trump that almost everyone, at least in the HS community, was talking about was the other one — the ‘mayor’ of his ‘Value Town’, not the president and all, and he popularised a budget Mage deck (with minions, no less! Even those Boulderfist Ogres were not bad for the cost)? Something like that:




Even taking it to Legend! Yes, the ‘meta’ allowed for it back then.


I remember!
I think Jeffrey plays another game now, most of the time.


One Objection is okay.
Two Objections is okay.
Three Objections is a little annoying.
Four Objections I start hating the card.
Four Objections when the opponent is a Rogue makes me want to never see the card again.

I know, Discover problem not Secret problem. Don’t care. Card can go to hell.


NAW. There are too many ways you can generate objection, when you start getting to the point of 3+ you’ve pretty much countered all minions.
In my personal opinion objection should have never been printed, and instead, it should have been something like “When your opponent plays a minion make it go dormant” That way you could maybe counter a battlecry, but the player would still have the stats on the minion, so its a bit fairer.

You and three other posters here does not make “most people” in any universe.

If anything, I think it’s pretty evenly split on the topic.

What we do know is there’s a point where discover effects are too much, but there is debate on where that line is.

Honestly, they should be playing paladin right now. Minions on curve, heavy burn from hand. The only difference is the spells are buffing minions to go face instead of direct face, but it’s the same difference.

tell me you’ve NEVER played a Secret Mage deck without telling me you’ve NEVER played a Secret Mage deck.

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As a secret hater and a player that loves playing minions, I am so happy to see this particular secret go! I hope to never see it again! RIP

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Huh so the traps i see in the core set from the launch of the game in Hunter and Paladin are figments of my imagination? Please Mage was one of three classes that started with secrets.

I personally have no real care if Objection is in the core set but i will point out a big reason why it probably shouldn’t be in there for new and inexperienced players. Chasing away those players is not how you make money.

The bigger question should be. Why doesn’t Mage have a secret that is like Ice Trap for minions that makes them cost something like 2 more? Fulfills the same role and is less punishing.

I agree that ALL secrets should be a baseline 2 cost. But they would need to adjust a few mage cards that combo with those spells at this point.

Just like they’re doing now with certain cards which are returning to core, they might do it in the future when they are a little less overpowered

But right now, good riddance (coming from a guy with 3.4k wins on Mage)

Mage shouldn’t be. Here… fixed it for you.