Objection should be Core

mallenroh#11647 add me so I can re-learn Standard?

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I’ll add you tomorrow since I can’t now:)

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You are deliberately following everything I have posted and are flagging it.
A clear violation of the Coc.
You are trolling. Plain and simple.

This is bullying.


I think people are overlooking summoning ward. Im pretty sure you can make a stealth zillax that doubles its attack every turn. Bank the summoning ward for 1 mana with the new secret spell. Play zillax and summoning ward for 1 mana and then have 2 stealth zillaxes that double attack every turn and cant be interacted with outside a few non targeted spells or reno.

Might not actually be a viable win condition come Tuesday, but certainly worth trying.


explain the play to me please? I’m not familiar with the new spell.

Cast the spell hidden objects sometime during the game for 2 mana. I believe the secret pool is pretty limited now so theres a high probability of discovering ‘summoning ward’. Choose summoning ward. Get a copy of summoning ward that now only costs 1 mana (instead of 3). Play it on the turn you play stealth zillax.

I mean again I have no idea if this will become a viable win condition, but it was the first thing I thought of with summoning ward and hidden objects actually makes it a bit easier to combo by setting summoning ward to 1 mana.

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Isn’t ward easy to play around, though? I haven’t really used it, being a Wild player for years.

I think you’re mistaking the secret. Summoning ward copies the highest cost minion on the mages board at the start of your turn.

Looking at it its pretty slow… The stealth zillax combined with the double attack only starts at 2 attack and would only be playable in this combo on turn 7 so it would take quite a few turns to threaten lethal.


That sounds interesting.
I’ll be sure and try this:)

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Current iteration of mage is everything that’s bad with the game. Just constant non-stop piles of random BS RNG on top of RNG on top of generation of more infinite RNG.

Delete the bloody class from the game until devs can come up with something that’s not casino.

P.S. Both Objection and Counterspell should burn in hell screaming.

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Yes, if they give Paladin and other minion based decks a card which is making mage’s 5 spells cards burn away! Objection was one of the worst card ever created and absolutely unfair against minion based slow decks! NO NEVER AGAIN! It was way too easy for mages and other classes to make such deck fail instantly because of this stupid card. Not to mention their tons of damage mitigation, armor, discovery and OTK. The biggest problem were not these cards only… but the amount they could get and use… it was a bad joke…

Objection shouldn’t have been printed in the first place and it can rot in wild forever for all I care. Counterspell can follow.


I was always OK with Counterspell because it was much more easy to bait it with a spell… then Objection with a minion… mainly if you are not playing a mindless aggro deck and all of your minion counts like keycards… it was absolutely stupid thing to create such card… like you said too… in the first place.


“I want to make a board, and I want to have removal with tempo”


“When u try to cast a spell or play a minion I want it to not work while I drop free 6/6s”


So, reading the remarks here.
Mage shouldn’t have a secret deck.
And it also shouldn’t have endless RNG (I actually agree with that.)
But what IS it allowed to have that players won’t get angry about?
I would point out that mage is the original secret class, and should have the best in the game, thus the 3 mana cost.
Now Hunter has those. Hunters’ are cheaper: (even played free with weapons, etc.) and more effective.


Who says this is what they want? I think you paraphrase a bit too liberally.

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Complains about Mage RNG and says the class should be deleted for it, 2s later says that 2 none RNG cards in the class should burn in hell…

I wish people would just say what they really mean and didnt hide behind BS…
You are free to dislike the class and post as much hate on it as you want.

I just dont think its much to ask for consistency in your rants, theres no need to try to hide your bias ,its crystal clear embrace it and discard your mask that tries to justify your scorn for the class.


and ppl flag me and say I spam and troll. smh

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I thought you didn’t like mages modern “spam design”

Or are you being contradictory here too?

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The reactions here only reinforce my belief that Objection and Counterspell are the only secrets truly worth 3 mana. It’s amusing how y’all want them gone and are content with the rest, which offer little benefit for Mage.

Not only do you wish to see them removed, but there’s also a clear display of personal animosity for some unknown reason. Don’t be surprised when Discover Mage continues to thrive because apparently, anything other than Discover that proves effective, you folks want to discard.
I maintain that no other Mage secret’s effect justifies a cost of 3 mana. A 3 mana secret should deliver the disruption that people here have discussed, while the rest are simply subpar.

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