Objection should be Core

Ahem, the classic (original) Freeze Mage?

Thats’ what even Ben Brode would consider ‘not fun’ and refrain from printing it (this also includes things that mess up with the opponent’s hand and so on, btw).

It’s not about whether cards like Theotar or the subject are competitive, performing strongly or not: if they were considered not fun to play against, they wouldn’t be printed once upon a time. Then it all changed…

Nope, it seems more about the aspect described above.

Yep, that’s exactly the logic that should drive the game design.

Haven’t really played Wild, but back in the day (think before the Year of the Mammoth), I’d find this kind of playstyle annoying, although generally not too strong, and fit mostly for trolls and clowns: maybe you’d not win many games with it, but you might spoil one or two for somebody with you ‘creative’ approach to deckbuilding.

Funny, he used to be good even as a 6-6.

PS Nowadays, apparently, even a 4-mana 7-7 would be considered too weak.