Number of decks that a player can make

I think we should be able to have a bigger number of decks available, Why is there even a limit to make 27 decks. I have so many cards in my collection and I could easily make at least 5 decks per class. I always have to delete some of my decks in order to create a new deck that features some of the new cards and it is a bit frustrating. Why don’t they let us create more decks. What do you guys think, anyone has similar issues? I just like to change my decks a lot and play with different minion types and I think we should be able to have more decks. Same goes for mercenaries.


27 decks? Bro I get confused when we had 9, and even more confused now that we have so many slots. Think about all the other players who are just like me who can’t handle thinking about more than the 3 current meta decks? Have some sympathy and perspective. Think about all the confusion you will cause by asking for such a thing as more deck slots.

I don’t see nothing confusing about having more deck slots. If you can’t manage more than 3 decks, keep playing with your 3 decks. It is the same for you, you have empty slots either way. I think we should have more deck slots and if you can make a 100 different decks than why not. Better than having legendary cards that are never being used because then you have to remove some others. Why can’t I make 5 types of Druid, one plays with dragons, the other with treants, third one uses choose-one cards and so on. They all have different legendary cards and the gameplay is completely different. And I could do the same with every other class. They should allow at least 50 decks.

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Sorry, it was a joke because that’s the “reason” the devs gave back when we had 9 deck slots…that players would be too confused if they had more. :clown_face:


I believe he was not being serious and was only trying to poke fun at people who play meta decks.

I agree that more deck slots would be better. I also remember when we only had 9 and that was awful. I am not sure why we cannot have more. I would take all of the deck slots they would give me


There should be at least one per class. There’s also 3 formats, Standard, Wild, and Twist.

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You’ll not even building, you’ll are copying meta decks from the net. Just continue doing that. No need for them altering the code for that.