Nozdormu day again

0/3 opponents playing it in their deck

Just reroll itt… not worth the time… or play it in casual… then there is no risk. To progress the quest it is enough to you have it in your deck… don’t need to be in both player’s deck so don’t be bothered. 3 causal games, and you have it completed.

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You can complete the quest even if your opponent doesn’t have Noz in their deck. Only you are required to have Noz in your deck for the quest.

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I think the other replies are missing the point. It’s not about the quest being hard to complete or anything, it’s just more fun if the games you queue into are against another player with Noz in their deck because it challenges you to move more quickly. I usually play a highlander dragon mage deck in wild that is not really meant for such fast games, but I really enjoy seeing how they play out.

3/3 Try playing closer to reset.

oh and for extra fun not 1 of the 3 ever clicked end turn they just waited for time out.

That’s because it’s the least fun thing to do in HS and actively makes 3 games you play unenjoyable just by having its inclusion in your deck.

I either sit on the quest for weeks OR immediately rotate it out, even if I end up losing like 800xp, sometimes both.

Blizz should just rework the card because it’s not only useless but actively makes getting the quest feel like an actual waste of time.

I played my 3 games with nozdormu starting about 30 min after the quest roll over when it popped on the first day.

i use a kind of big druid deck, modified to work with nozdormu. straightforward & simple so decisions don’t take alot of time