Now even Priests are going Highlander

So much for nerfing Reno, just played 2 classes that never ran Reno for th emost part. You all just keep making more mistakes then anything.

so new decks are poping up or becoming better ?

thats good thats what we want

What a weird post

A class is given a chance to have a new deck that works within the meta (maybe), and you’re complaining about it?

i think the point is that most decks are now reno.

At least one person gets it.

Even priest going highlander doesn’t make much sense now that reno is 9 mana

Why is that weird? Priests have higlander cards, are control focused, and have had a deck centered around using Raza Resealed to repeatedly use Reno’s hero power since the expansion dropped.

I said to some old players they do it to sell packs and they got triggered. Their reasoning was “but it also improves highlander cardssss gameplay!!1111111”(and whatnot).

Why not both; it may theoretically improve some cards/gameplay; but it also sells more packs since highlander decks are immensely more expensive that other decks.