Nothing will save this game

The game is so broken that there is absolutely nothing that can save this game.
I always have to lose the first game and have always done so.
Why does my opponent always have an answer to my table?
Why do I have to lose all the fights? Who benefits from it?
Why do I have to be nervous while playing.
I would like to remind you that the game is intended for children from 7 years of age.
I want to play this game, but I wonder what Blizzard’s motives are because it is very disturbing.


I agree with you 100% sadly the only responses you will get is from trolls saying you suck and its just you. However its very broken in every way. I would like to know why the matchmaking is so poor. Most matches are mirror and switch as I switch. If i play aggro Im matched against aggro, try highlander & wow surprise Im up against highlander. Can anyone give an educated answer to this? Im not complaining about not being able to win just on why i face mirror every game. Just makes me hate the game

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is normal for you to not be used to losing a game yet ive seen it happent other 7 year olds

eventually youll start improving your decks and pay more attention to some stuff like your deck mana curve

you are probabyl stuffing your decks with waay to many high cost cards or too many conditional /card draw cards with no board impact


But the problem is not on my side, but on the game and its current maintainers.
You must understand that the game is so unstable due to fiddling with the game itself and various algorithms that unfortunately the game cannot be saved.

I use decks from streamers or websites like “hsreplay”, so it’s not the fault of the decks themselves and their cards.

you only have yourself to blame if you are not having fun

blizzard cant force you to have fun

you have to find the fun yourself

i always have a great time playing

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