Nothing changed for Druid

I’m also seeing this druid deck quite a bit. Oddly enough the new buttons DK deck is good and does a fanrastic job of destroying both druid deck. You can throw a ton of sats onto the board with that deck while also keeping early pressure on them.


The dragon package isn’t the problem……. Geez people are just mind blowing . They don’t know what they want , they just want everything nerfed to the ground

He has no idea how. Just talking :poop:

Exactly. The problem is the ramping and total mana available. If you don’t kill Druid fast, you’re dead . People calling nerfs to everything else has me in complete anger because it’s obvious what the problem is. Mana cheat and discounted cards that cost 0 ARE the problem with Druid

The funny part is that i called it being a cost nerf when they announced that they should nerf this card.

Really laughing on it.

If they really wanna go after this i kinda reach on 2 decent changes that don’t have to pass by concierge.

Either the drink turns into a 2 mana 4 damage or go with the flow only gives spell damage to Minions who can attack this turn.

As a side note :
They really should buff the sunscream token to give +2/2. The deck is fun , don’t burst out of nowhere and don’t has some of the dumbest polarized matchupts ever as big spell mage.

The basic proof that it got wrong, is that it feels like an OTK from a Sif, …with 2X lower difficulty to do it.

I’m willing to bet money most of the devs play Druid so of course they have no problem with such a cheap tactic like Seabreeze. It’s disgusting

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So, whether it’s ramp or mana reductions, Druid gets to keep abusing players. I find it comical that mage Apprentice got nerfed for being too powerful due to reducing spell cost by 1…but druid gets a minion that does pretty much the same thing, with the added advantage of them being able to generate so many copies of the card being played and having very cheap ways of increasing their spell power…that are also unremovable unless someone wants to waste a card slot to carry an otherwise dead minion. I usually just concede as soon as I see concierge hit the board because I don’t want to sit through a minute of the same boring animation.


I personally liked it better a few years ago where they made a point of making sure otk decks for some reason or another usually didnt come down till turn 10 or later.

Why even print cards that cost 6 or more if you are gonna die on turn 8? xD


maybe that’s because Whizbangs (and to a lesser extent, Showdown) were absolute abominations of expansions and pushed more powercreep through than we’d seen for 3+ years of expansions.

Like for real! Or at least where it took some skill to pull off. Garrote rogue comes ti mind there. But they give Druid every tutor card imaginable to pull this off, it is so easy. Played ine game with the deck and it was enough for me to know how it needs to go away


This is going to be the same of every expansion moving forward, because people can’t handle sets that don’t open up a bunch of new decks.

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even so, those two expansions are particularly stupid

There are legitimately only two (three) cards that I think beat launch Renohero in terms of strength, Baku/Genn during Witchwood, and Patches with Charge. New Zilliax is literally designed to be a 100% auto-include, and has recieved at least 3 heavy nerfs on account of it. Dragon Druid got 8 cards to support it’s concept in ONE expansion. 8. I could go on, but I won’t.

I’d be willing to bet money most of the devs don’t play at all.

I appreciate it when people don’t let their moral opinions get in the way of their analysis of trends.

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Just to reiterate from another post. If you read the patch notes they specifically said that they wanted this druid deck to exist. They created it to do exactly what it’s doing and that’s how they want it to play out. It’s not some kind of mistake or something they missed in testing. It was literally shipped that way as a deck for players to play. It’s also an extremely cheap deck to build and basically plays itself. Not exactly something new to their design philosophy.

On the other hand the deck can be beaten and the trick is to load the board with stats and apply pressure to them. The new DK deck they buffed does this quite well and i can think of a few other decks that can be played that just vomit stats onto the board while still being competitive across the board.


As expected, perhaps even a bit better than expected, I got 8-2 vs Druid now (80% winrate), while before patch, it was 56%

I don’t even get to find out if they are Tempo or Concierge Druid cuz I kill them too fast

Nobody is saying there are no counters. There are specific counters and their win rate is not the top in the game.

We’re saying it’s lame gameplay because WHEN it works it’s too easy and simplistic.

On the one hand, I feel like it’s pretty ridiculous to take a sample size of just ten games and think that it provides anything like a meaningful window into what is actually going on.

On the other hand, I feel like this is all my fault somehow.

It’s not just one sample of 10 games

It’s Bayesian infernce

We knew it was gonna get nerfed, so the a priori probability was in favor of winrate against the deck rising afterwards

Therefore, we need less data to confirm it xD

EDIT: 10-2

Almost as if having infinite mana and consstant ramp is a problem. Who knew? Same as always with druid.

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