The dragon package is still way busted desert nest matron needed to be hit. I still get killed on turn five to concierge or the Druid has 10 mana when I have five
They as much as said this is exactly how they want druid to play and that the meta has to adapt to that deck.
Druid… Druid never changes…
Yeah, and that’s the scary thing. It’s one of the most annoying non-interactive decks we’ve seen in awhile.
It would be fine if it didn’t do so much damage. From an empty board, killing you for 30 damage on 5…ok that’s 1 thing.
But when I have a full board and they pump out 60+ damage on turn 5, only for it to happen again on turn 6 is just dumb as can be.
I’m surprised they actually admitted to wanting Druid to play like that and that the meta has to adapt to it. That is perfect confirmation that metas no longer evolve organically. they are hard forced into existence by the developers. Not exactly how i enjoy playing a game that is supposed to have a component of variety, discovery and originality to it.
I’ll stick with BG’s where i can build the board as i see it evolving each game.
This is exactly why I don’t like it.
It’s forced interactions that I dislike. Like, why?
They do this a lot by building archetypes for players rather than letting players build it themselves.
Thank God for that.
How else do you want me to play the new Mage cards???
In Mage , thats crazy talk.
My best guess is that they hired some corporate consultant who did some corporate focus group which led to some corporate PowerPoint presentation with an entire corporate slide about how players don’t like spending Arcane Dust on cards only to discover later that there’s some better card that they want to now include instead. So they wasted the dust and that feels bad, man.
And then around the conference room there was brainstorming and synergy as they crafted an action plan: shove the correct decklist down players’ throats with blatant signals such that no one with two brain cells to rub together could ever again be in that feelsbad situation. Another awesome success, team. Let’s go get sushi or something.
I have zero evidence for this, but that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
I missed ya scrotie ya always have interesting takes on topics at hand.
I was surprised they nerfed Chia Drake, as I didn’t really see it as a problem card in the deck. Good card? Absolutely. Not really the issue. I thought that the Nestmatron mana cheat would have been a better nerf target.
I was happy that Concierge was getting nerfed. Then they showed the actual nerf and realized quickly that nothing was going to change with Combo Druid.
The fact that Paladin and Shaman saw zero nerfs made me realize something. Team 5 waited 2 weeks to implement a round of nerfs to stomp out a few Tier 2 decks revolving around Unkilliax and Lamplighter, which were cards worthy of nerfs, while the best decks in the meta would stay relatively unchanged. The only meaningful nerf for said top tier decks was the Ticking Module nerf, but Aggro Shaman and Handbuff Paladin are still going to be meta tyrants regardless.
I’m glad that I’ve finished my legend run in an hour after the patch before druids realized they are not really weak.
It’s because they just let their content creators decide most of the balance patches now.
VS was all like “don’t kill concierge it’s one of the only new decks from the expansion!”
…so they didn’t.
Blizz stopped caring if their game was interactive or had agency years ago.
So we get another 3 weeks of concierge druid, hope you like being OTKed!
I mean, I agree that Blizzard is probably just copypasting whatever the VS editorial is, but doesn’t that mean that as long as VS cares about interaction/agency, then Blizzard does too? In action at least.
Except that they don’t, because any time we have a board centric meta at all, VS starts complaining about a lack of lethality.
Sometimes they even complained about low lethality even when Denathrius was OTKing people on turn 10 (or earlier in druid)
Why? Because if games hit turn 10 then clearly we don’t have enough lethality!
VS is a massive proponent of OTK decks without coming out and stating it outright.
Zach’s idea of a perfect deck was Sif OTK, he was upset wheel lock got nerfed for the entire expansion. The content creators defend OTK decks, so hearthstone is going to remain a high lethality low agency game.
(but I’m pretty upfront about it)
The perfect way to balance it without killing the deck would be to hard limit Concierge to 1 copy per deck so you can at least dirty rat their win condition.
I think I said it before, but I think the thing with druids is that they’re able to ramp without losing much if any tempo.
Hitting things like Chia Drake or Concerige really doesn’t change the underlying ramp or the tempo cheat/catch up tools. They’ll do things a turn or two slower, but as long as they can ramp while they either don’t lose much tempo or have something to catch up later, they’ll still be able to do their usual druid things.
Pretty sure Tempo Dragon Druid is now doing better than Concierge one, and I don’t know why, honestly
But IMO, both are now vulnerable to aggro, way too much
You lost a lot of tempo by playing a 4 mana 2/4 do almost nothing minion
Basically, it’s only good as a dragon activator
Let’s give it some time to see the real data
How do you adapt to on-hand OTK at a round that is not even more than 8?
It’s like having the shaman of the launch of Whizbang’s. They gutted that.
It is a pretty Legendary card indeed. It warped a whole meta more or less.
It’s practically a Sif.