Nothing but Paladin on ladder

Is there any other class right now in Hearthstone?

I meet alot of Starship Hunters and Dungar Druids right now. Paladins as well.

Not alot of Mages and Warriors. Some Shamans but next to no Demon Hunters.

I play at bronze 8, and yea I can agree token paladin is a bit strong. But I think it’s only at lower levels I guess.

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Stop impersonating me

I kept on playing trying to get the 30 matches done for the quest, which I can’t honestly it is too much, and 9 out of 10 matches is token paladin with librams. So yea, almost nothing but paladin. I saw a dk in all this games.

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Stop impersonating me

I’ve seen a ton of mage, shaman, warlock, and death knight. More of those than paladin. But I’ve also seen hunter and rogue.