Note to Developers

I have stopped buying cards for this game that I once loved. Reno Lone Ranger is the worst card ever developed. Tired of classes playing every other class card. Hate people stealing my cards. Tired of decks that offer no counter play. Looking at you Exodia decks.

Not coming back to read feedback. I used to buy cards ever expansion. This game has lost all fun.


It’s one of many horribly designed cards, each expansion they get worse and worse. They make cards more broken than the expansion before so you feel the need to buy them. Is it any wonder all the large Hearthstone streamers left, they seen the writing on the wall.


I will admit, I am insanely tired of the “LOL STOLE YOUR CARD OR MINION LAWL” constantly every game. There is so little skill left in this crap, if any.


It’s kinna like quitting smoking.

-Set a date.
-Write down all your reasons.
-When the date is up, you uninstall.

You’re going to get urges. That’s why you write down your reasons. You go and read it to remind you, why. First 24 hours are bad. Next 24 easier. Then it’s a home run.

You know… There’s single player games out there…

Because… You seem to be having a real bad time. And i believe there’s some very real emotions here.