Not getting experience points for games?

Is this happening to anyone else? not getting any experience for winning or losing games.

Seem to have stopped getting experience sometime yesterday for some reason. i thought maybe it’s a visual bug but I checked before and after totals and they don’t change…


Yep. Happening to me too.


Me too. Also, I’m noticing that my wins don’t count towards won games for the hero. I’m 44 wins away from my first golden hero portrait and it’s making me sad.


By the way there is a bug reports subforum later down in the list.

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Multiple bug reports about it. Reports say quitting and restarting the game will update the tallies, so it’s a delayed/visual bug rather than a lack of counting them.

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Actually you have to relog for credit to apply, I was having the same issue, no exp, no credit towards quests, but when I closed the game and opened it up again everything was already applied, even more annoying is you have to restart the game every time

Not relog, restart. In the context of this game relog may be misunderstood to mean to relog your