Not getting Event Quests - EU

Please do not bump unrelated threads from 5 months ago. There is a much more popular thread about this exact issue you are experiencing.

Also, Blizz is aware and a fix is on the way:

Edit: there is no quest for chapter 2. The next Legendary quest in the chain will be next week when the challenges for that adventure open.

I can’t do the New Year mission on February 10th.Please, help me.

Please create new threads rather than reactivating ancient threads about a very different issue.
Also, be more specific. Do you have a quest that does not progress? If so, what quest (copy the complete text). Do you not have a quest you expected? If so, please keep in mind that a lot of players already got and completed the New Year quests two weeks ago when they accidentally were released ahead of schedule.

Alguien más tiene el problema con las misiones legendarias que estarían disponibles del 9 al 23 de Febrero, yo juego desde mi móvil y no me han aparecido en todos estos días.
Por favor necesito ayuda