(Android) I can’t complete the quest, because I already completed the first chapter, before this quest was shown. I restarted the game, but nothing happend.
Edit: They are on it. I got a notification on my Android after I logged in that they know about the issue and they try to fix it.
Same issue. I didnt reboot HS prior to starting adventure. Tried re-completing final boss of chapter 1 to trigger quest credit, but still did not complete quest.
The same for me with the PC version. Quest unlock after that I finished the first chapter. Impossible obtain the quest.
Same trouble with mobile quest
I did that after reboot, but it also didn’t work.
Same here on pc, completed the first chapter before the quest unlocked and now it’s stuck
same here on pc i have completed it but doesn t work
on PC, unfortunately facing the same problem 
same problem… hopefully they will fix it soon
Same problem for Pc nothing seems to fix it
Im having the same issue. PC and Android
I have the same problem, finished 1st chapter before the quest come
(pc) i also just got the quest but i already played chapter 1 before i got so i cant finish it blizz vvhy you make mistake let the chapter come out sooner dan the quest its self comes later
Sane issue on pc… so should I keep playing?
Like many other. Played and finished chapter 1, went to gym, came back from gym about 1.5 hours from finishing the chapter. Quest comes up but can’t finish it despite replaying chapter 1.
Playing on my PC