Not getting Event Quests - EU

Anyone else not getting a quest? Based on Reddit and friends in Discord, it’s already live on EU, but I don’t have one. I’ve tried logging out and back in again.


I didn’t get them either…

I did not get my quest either, but I am using the Americas server.

I also didn’t receive the quest, NA using iOS. Other people with iOS in my region have received the quest though

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i got it on EU region but not on america server

No quests here either on EU. I guess only half of the player base gets to enjoy this event.

Got 5 accounts(2eu-3na) only got the quest on 1 of my NA accounts.

Me too. Im in the American server and yet have to receive the event quest. I even re rolled one of my quests just to get another regular quest.

EU. I Did not get the lunar quest nor extra dust to older quests.

going by several posts ive seen on reddit the event didnt start for many players but nobody can figure out why did it start only for some players

I’m in NA and I didn’t get a special quest either. Just a regular quest when I logged in. Just like nothing happened. Is the event live?

I also did not get an event quest and I’m in NA. Is Blizzard going to do something for the people that didn’t get an event quest today?

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No event quests here either (North America, playing on iOS). Had two slots open this morning, finished my one quest so now I have three slots open.

FWIW, here’s the Reddit thread about missing quests. Blizz says they’re working on it!

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I haven’t gotten my event quest either. Tried on my iPad and my PC. NA Server. Glad to see that they’ve noticed us and are trying to resolve the issue.

Haven’t received the legendary quest once the event started, had one empty slot.

No event quest on my end. Tried on iOS and PC. Even tried to reroll. Hopefully they give out extended event time or packs to compensate for the quests we missed out on.

No event quests here either. (NA server.) I currently have 2 regular quests. Waiting to reroll until I can be sure that event quests will be available.

Didnt get them either

Adding to the voices of people who did not receive any special event quests. On Mac laptop and iPhone, got a regular quest into my third slot just after midnight PST and rerolled another quest into a regular one. Finished one regular quest and nothing else has appeared since.

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