Not enjoying this new meta thus far

Broken deck vs broken deck, and none of it is fun… Please let there be something, not yet found, that actually makes use of the fun cards. This meta feels like a coin toss…

I own every card, and I don’t want to play any of it, already…
Good thing there is wild, oh wait…


Which cards are fun cards to you?

I can think of a few which see play at the moment:

a) Wheel of death warlock is a legit tier 1 deck which puts enemies on a 5 turn clock
b) Whizbang, which gives you a random deck to play. Some are very bad, but one of them is straight up broken (warlock one, again xD)

What is “fun” for you?

Wheel of Death Warlock is equally frustrating to play against. Not only will they kill you in 5 turns, but they’ll immediately summon the 15/15 Taunt with Lifesteal after playing Reno, meaning you just lose on the spot if you don’t have hard removal in your hand. Do you think losing to a 16-attack Leeroy Jenkins with Charge is fun? Is it fun to lose to a Warrior who repeatedly casts Sunset Volley at your face over and over again with Yogg and Brann? Is it fun to watch a Priest take an extra turn simply because they’re running a Dragon deck? It’s funny, for an expansion that’s supposed to revolve around the very concept of “fun”, many decks sure aren’t fun to play against.


I don’t have to “think” anything, I’ve been through it dozens of times in the last few days

It’s just another way to lose a game. Losses happen xD I’m not really bothered by finishers. I’m more occupied with how it came to the state in which I’m losing.

But they are fun to play with. And let’s be honest, there never was and never will be a deck that’s fun to lose against.

Sure, losing is rarely ever fun, but I think there’s a point where we begin to think “Wow, that loss was pretty BS,” and when most of your matches make you feel that way, there’s a definite problem on the game design front.


With 95% of people playing Handbuff Paladin and Spell Token Hunter, I can’t really tell you what the fun cards are, because we don’t get a chance to play them, unless you like loosing 60-80% of the time.

I usually enjoy the 1st couple weeks of a new rotation, but these decks, right out the gate, are too powerful and unbalanced. I’m sure nerfs are coming, which will fix things… So I’ll wait…

I understand the feeling. You can def tell they did not play test this expansion or even considered what is a healthy play style.

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I don’t know about you but I’m really enjoying the Shaman deck that can kill you from hand at full health. That one’s always fun.