Noob needs explanation


just wondering how does he start the game with Natural Talent (a shaman card) then draws Razzle-Dazzler on turn 13 (another shaman card) as a DK

please explain what I am missing, i dont get it

Buttons is a shaman tourist.

You might want to check on what the latest expansion brought to the game with tourists


thank you very much, my post needs to be 20 characters…?
i woulda wrote thank you 3 times but that woulda looked strange i guess


You’re welcome! I would have explained it better, but I was in a different game and by the time I came back here, Derkan had linked you to what you needed.

Regarding posting and char limits, you can use the “<>” syntax to produce “hidden” character strings, like so:


Everything in between those <>'s counts as a character towards the 20 count minimum. So if all you wanted was to have a post saying “Thank you!” you could do it like:

Thank you!

And it will show up simply as:

Thank you!