Nobody Is Happy Playing

I’m not talking about game balance or anything, I mean just being friendly with emotes and whatever else. Seems like the majority of the time I say hi, well played, etc. and it’s either outright ignored OR people just BM you if they win.

I mean what’s up with people’s attitudes playing this game? Seems like people actually used to be able to add their opponent’s after the game and play with each other down the line. I get being salty (there are a lot of BS wins and losses, this isn’t anything new), but it seems like the only time people try to add is just to trash talk about how whatever tier 2 or tier 3 deck I’m using is bad and how I’m bad.

Do you guys see this type of stuff as often as I am?

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If you are playing in a ranked mode, it’s to be expected.
There are people playing for hours trying to focus on their plays and don’t feel like entertaining you.

At least this makes the rare cases when an opponent does entertain you that much better.
Just look at the positive side of it.


This has been like this since day 1. Were you around for the ‘sorry’ emote? there’s a reason it was removed.

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Isn’t the thank you emote arguably worse? I mean that’s used to BM all the time

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You care too much about emotes, most ppl are making their enemy silent at the beginning of the fight so can’t even see what you are emoting… That way he can focus on the game better. Because this is not a chat room… this is battle… Emotes are taking time, and time is very important in the game. Don’t waiste your time for emotes… and leave the enemy alone. When they add you to friends, answer to request only after 1-2 days, until that they usually forget what they wanted so you probably won’t get insults. There are not many friends anymore in this game, only opponents mostly… the moral of the community is dead because of the unbalance the devs created… some classes are really hate others because they already know how low chance they might have to win against them… so don’t look for friends in this game if you want good for yourself.


Nope, sorry was much worse. And personally I instant mute chatty players. Im watching something whilst I play, this is a side activity at most.

I am so Fing tired of losing every Fing day and I been trying to play different decks.

Almost all the sorry lines were read with sarcasm in mind, it was intentional.

I wouldn’t sweat it too much. Remember, many younger folks have stunted emotional growth and limited social skills. Zits and angst are a poor cocktail.

I rarely pay attention to the enraged, but if someone seems friendly I may shout back. Enjoy the game as it is and don’t sweat the occasional angry dorker. After all, life is hard on the gamer.

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Uncalled-for prejudice.

Yell at the clouds elsewhere.

Not to mention lack of sunlight or fresh air.


If it’s any consolation, I respond kindly. But if your like “oops” after you hit me in the face with a 20 damage Leroy, yeah, I’m gonna be when I win.

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all my decks are designed around being fun, and wacky things

feel free to add me for some fun games!


There’s winning or losing.
There’s fun or not fun.

Then there’s just playing the game for a while longer. I Dare hope MMR moves down at all. In theory, a healthy and relevant MMR should facilitate a good experience.

However there’s “the bot” population and the bad shuffler.

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Oh, it was called for, young man. Generalizations are a useful shortcut.

If you’re playing aggro or otk, expect hate

Actually they are designed around you buying card packs, stop lying to people…If you want fun you play something else.

If this is what you people call fun , then you should seek medical threatment.

https ://ibb. co/xS21RX2, turn 4 14/8 on board with 14 damage randomly split across the board is 28 damage turn 4…He can just ping me twice and end the game by turn 6…It’s fun…I wonder why I quit this sh@t game…

I don’t play either (I’m a midrange player), but tbh there are things to hate about every archetype. Part of the fun of card games is having to play against everything. It becomes unfun when things aren’t balanced. Any sort of complain can be made valid when any kind of deck is just made unfair and I think that’s the best way to look at things.

you made a choice to play against nonsense

i just concede and go to the next game

no one is forcing you to be the best except yourself

just let go of trying to get a high rank, its worthless*

*getting to legend does provide the best monthly rewards, which can be easily achieved as a free to play

idk how these devs still have a job.