No rope acceleration (bug?)

So I was spectating a player the other day. He was a Warlock with a board of Sargeras, two Portals, and a bunch of the spawned 3/4 Taunts. There wasn’t much the opponent (a Rogue I think) could do. The player I was spectating simply roped every turn. No cards or Hero Power was played. Yet the rope never shifted to the accelerated version. Typically, once a player makes no plays at all for a full roped turn, the next turn has the rope starting immediately (until that player makes a play). But that didn’t happen here. And it went on for about 8 turns before the Rogue finally died to fatigue damage. Any idea why this would happen?

Possibly the Sargeras portals’ end of turn action, even though it sounds like no imps were actually summoned at the end of turn. Could be something else, but that’s my best guess

Sometimes none were summoned (board was full), but other times one or two were summoned if the Rogue was able to kill a few.

But yeah… I was wondering if it was the portal as well.

Manually clicking the End Turn button is enough to stop the accelerated turn timer. Even if you do it just as the rope would burn out.

unless they fixed the discover bug the one thing i know that doesnt stop the fast rope is playing a discover card

I thought of that. But I was watching and I didn’t see him clicking the button.