No option for new player to login to existing Battlenet account

Hi, I’m a new player to Hearthstone, but not PC or mobile technical issues.

I’m on the latest non-Beta iOS version and an iPhone 6 plus.

I started the tutorial and afterwards, it asked me to create an account, NOT sign-in to an existing Battlenet account. There was NEVER an option to sign in to an existing account after the tutorials, only an option to SIGN-UP.

Now, when it asks me to sign up, I get an infinite “Loading” scroll, with no dialog to perform any sort of login.

I’ve deleted the app and resinstalled it.

My issue is this: I LIKE where my level is and I’ve gotten some decent cards.
I’d LIKE to continue with my Battlenet account, but the app gives NO option to sign in or sign in with a Battlenet account…UNLESS…I go to switch accounts.

Upon switching accounts and logging into Battlenet, I’m dropped into the tutorial as a new player.

I’d like to keep my ranking, cards and what not.

EDIT: Finally got past the eternal LOADING screen, but still no option to connect to an existing account. Only a “Create a free account” option.
There was never an option to login to an existing account.

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Hey, Steelbuck!

When you first load up the game, there will be a Cog/Gear icon in the top corner of the screen where you can log into your existing account.

However, a new player doesn’t know all that and SWITCHING accounts at this point starts me at level ZERO again without passing what I earned along into my Battlenet account the way it does when you CREATE a NEW ACCOUNT.

I would rather not be forced to do the tutorial again and fight all those fights again to unlock the characters I’ve already unlocked.

Heya Steelbuck,

I looked over this issue for you, and I see what happened here. You basically created a brand new trial hearthstone account, then tried to create an account with an email address that you already had tied to years and years ago. Because of this, you couldn’t transfer your progress.

I know it’s been several days, and you may already be beyond the point where you care anymore, but if you DO want to recover your trial account, I’ve left a note on this email address. Please contact support and explain the situation. We may be able to help you reclaim your trial account, however, doing this will remove all progress you’ve made on this email since. Let us know what you want to do about this.

I just logged in because the latest patch is bugged to hell and I see this.
No worries.
I’m long beyond that now.