No old Gods at the world champs!

So now they’ve released all the decklists for the world champs, there’s not a single copy of Yogg, C’thun, N’Zoth or Y’Shaarj being played!

There’s also 3 classes not even chosen.

Hopefully that might be enough get Team 5 to slow down this meta.


Wow that’s pretty insane. I’m sure there was someone at Blizzard who wanted to see Yogg steal a game away at the “World Championship”

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I haven’t played one of those 4 cards before even though I own each one.

Consistency is key in hearthstone and decks with 10 drops are generally less consistent because sometimes you draw your really expensive stuff early and just lose to aggro as a result.

C’thun is not made for this meta. Yogg is a decent gamble, but still a gamble. The one that does stuff with Corrupt cards isn’t good because Corrupt isn’t that good. The menagerie old god has probably left the faire to start his or her own zoo.

Sadly, the awesome new old god warlock hero will not be at worlds, because no one brought a warlock deck. I might buy that one if it’s ever up for sale again.

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I’m still pissing myself over all the people moaning pre-release about how broken and meta dominating Yogg will be.

Funny how all of them suddenly disappeared.


Well, of course!!!

I still don’t understand why so many people force C’Thun in their decks. It’s only good in Duels.

The Old Gods would only work in a game where it’s slow enough to play. Hearthstone has evolved into a game where aggro and mega damage to face early on dominates.

Hearthstone early damage has increased and surpassed the point to where 30 health is good enough.

How Yogg would dominate when you can’t even reach 10 mana cristals?

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The only complaint about Yogg I saw was how ridiculous the Pyroblast effect is, because a “when you play this someone automatically loses regardless of the situation”-effect should never be an effect in the first place, and losing to it + Blur is just beyond stupid (doesn’t matter no one does this, just its existence alone is the most idiotic thing I’ve ever seen in a card game). Yes, the chance for the Pyroblast effect to happen is incredibly small, but still.

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meta’s too fast.
how in the world am i supposed to play a 10 drop when Demon Hunter is killing me on turn 4 sometimes?

i’m a grindy control player, or a big mid range stomper…

this last year has been pretty miserable for deck choices…spell heavy, casino, and huge burst aggro…


just patiently waiting for things to turn… which might be a while since the source of my pain is the Phoenix sets

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Darkmoon Faire is giving me serious Rastakhan’s Rumble vibes. I mean, I don’t think it’s as bad as RR, but compared to AoO or SA it fell kind of flat on impact cards. I kind of prefer it when the final expansion is the most powerful, because those are the cards in the standard rotation for the shortest period of time (see MSoG, KnC or DoD). When the 3rd expansion is the weakest, it’s always kind of a bad look for the expansion year as a whole.

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This is just the first pre-mdf yogg post I found, and it’s more then full of complaints.

Been say for a while the old gods are useless. C’thun needs a buff.

Huh? Do you mean 30 health is not enough?

Only buff I would give Cthun would be to remove the 7 damage split between enemies and change it to 7 damage a character or 10 damage to a minion. The cards provided are all easily usable tools except that one. The card itself isn’t bad; it’s just too slow to handle most aggressive metas.

Yogg is just an RNG fest that isn’t meant to be taken seriously. However, the extent of his abilities are either Hail Mary’s and/or swinging RNGs and doesn’t help with the fact that people are against all this RNG to begin with.

Nzoth has a good set of 0 cost corrupt cards that can easily be used if the meta is slower. The problem is that the meta isn’t slow.

I say give it till April before these cards make an appearance in the meta. Let the old cards rotate, and once power levels simmer down a bit these cards will surface.

No, I’m saying that the early to mid game damage has surpassed the point where 30 health is good enough. Meaning, the damage does not justify a 30 health start…very similar to where BGs is at now.

Oh ok thanks for the clarification.

I could be wrong but we had a decussion about this 2-3 weeks ago. A bunch of us agreed that c’thuns spells cost to much or c’thun should go right in your hand after you play the spells.

The taunt 6/6 is fair but as for everything else it cost to much…

They want to win a tournment, not be embarrassed.


The problem with 10 damage to a minion is that the vast majority of time that’s no different than “destroy a minion” and the only times it’s not is when it’s worse. Deal 1 damage to a minion 10 times is a bit more interesting but introduces scaling problems with spell damage.

who would want to watch 1 hr ropestone games

It only costs too much because powercreep plagued this game. Excavated Evil and Assassinate are in line. The 6/6 is over curve. The only card that really sucks playing is the 5 mana split 7 damage.

5 mana deal 10 damage across enemies would also be a powercreep, unless they split it across enemy minions. In my opinion, either a 7 damage burn spell or a 5 mana psuedo clear would be the best choices to buff the card. Overall the card itself is fine though. It is slow, but I think Hearthstone likes to screw with fatigue RNG so that may be a factor. It’s like Golden Monkey with OG Elise from League of Explorers. With decks that guarantee fatigue this isn’t a bad card.

Best thing to do is wait till rotation before you make any real judgment calls. Y’shaarj has potential to screw with its 0 cost card design flaw. Cthun is good in value. Yogg can still swing the game. These cards aren’t trash like people are making them to be.