No new board in Perils of Paradise

The fact that no new board was implemented with Perils of Paradise is disappointing. It may seem like a small part of a new expansion, but it is important for the players. The feeling that the developers don’t understand this and are unwilling to make the effort to create such a new board, that they don’t even want one themselves, speaks volumes about how much they care about this game. It’s a small step but a big sign, one that is starting to drive some players away from Hearthstone – not because the game itself is changing, but because of the perceived lack of commitment behind it.


be quiet this game is dead

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I’m waiting to see what they are announcing this week to justify not creating one.


There is no justification unless it’s something bigger like stopping further development of the game. If they can implement new skins every few weeks, they can implement a new board three times a year.


Given there is only one day left this week I’m starting to doubt we will get an announcement.

No announcement is an announcement.

and now no new board for the next expansion also…

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We could have had a holiday board, a small pool next to a few palm trees, a whacky sandcastle on the beach, a minibar with fruit drinks, and an accessory shop with some travel maps, sunscreen, or sunglasses, all paired with a pleasant holiday music theme. But be not afraid, we’ll have Fun, Focus, and above all, Fearlessness.


Made me audibly chuckle. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I’m a player. I don’t care about boards. Its a card game, not a board game.