No More Censorship!

I am bloodthirsty by nature. So Eviscerate art with no blood kinda affects my play. I am less likely to use it inmy deck for Bloodmage Thalnos + Eviscerate combo. Thus I usually miss 5 dmg to get a lethal.

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How did this get missed during the conversion of HS to the Chinese compliant format? Why wasn’t Bloodmage Thalnos’ name changed to red-liquid Thalnos?


That seems like a problem you bring unto yourself and not so much Blizzard’s fault.

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Activision Blizzard is really lame. I mean why can’t we have a sexy succubus card?


i like how you have 4 posts and 4 of them are you trash talking Blizzard xD

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The better question should be, “why do you need a sexy succubus card?”.

The fact that people are actually upset because of card graphic change is absolutely 1st world problem nonsense. It has zero affect on your gameplay. Grow up. Quit whining about not seeing sexy characters because it honestly just makes you look like a horny 12 year old who can’t control urges. Just play the game and stop your fit throwing.

“why do you need a sexy succubus card?”

Because the succubus is a prominent character in the Warcraft universe. Millions of warlock players used her extensively in PvP. She deserves a spot in Hearthstone.


As a Warlock player, I don’t want to ever put this new card (Felstalker) in my deck!
I will never place it in deck until Blizzard changes it back, to the way it was!


BAM! That’ll teach 'm

Go for it, Bruce! You, not playing a sub-average card anymore that you didn;'t ever play before anyway. Wow, what a statement.

Good to see that there are people really commited to the good cause, prepared to go beyond just virtue signalling!

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oh please like you put the old card in your decks…

While I would never play FelStalker, I would personally rope anyone who dare to put in one of the cards with no card art in to their deck on purposes.


More virtue signalling.

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(Succubus) changed to (Felstalker) I Will be refusing to play this changed card!:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


like you played it before it was changed lol

I was playing this card before it was changed and I loved it!:imp:


They should have done it like with World of Warcraft. Just give chinese a child-friendly version. (for adults, lul)

If they have a “censor everything because our government is dumb”- mindset you shouldnt adapt to it. Just laugh at it and give them an extra client with child-friendly artworks. (like flowers, pictures of industries, slavery, ants 'n stuff. U know, things they r used to)


Can I have the old card art as an option?


Cms tried a month ago

Well, China is a massive audience. So, losing some players over this decision is probably no big deal to activision blizzard.
As purely a business decision it makes sense. Even though, supporting China’s censorship laws are not ethical.

Unfortunately, people aren’t that interested in boycotting companies who cater to China’s censorship. Wether its Activision, facebook, google, ect…

The most we do is complain on internet forums.

What racism?

Companies often cater to China’s opressive censorship. I didn’t see anyone insulting the chinese people.

It’s the fact that Western companies (like activison,facebook,google,ect…) preach about inclusivitiy, fairness, and respect. Yet, on the other hand they help the Chinese Communist Party opress their people with censorship. Which goes against all their values.

It’s this hypocrisy that sparks outrage. Not some racism or hatred against the Chinese people.

What do our values and ethics matter if we only support them when it convienent?

If anything, it’s racist to say ethics don’t matter in China. That we are free to drop them as soon as we leave the western world because the opression of the Chinese people doesn’t matter. Only western freedoms matter.

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