No Diamond card for collecting the entire wizbang set?


Diamond cards are way nicer than Signiture cards and this is the first time you guys are not including a diamond reward for having the entire set?

So you guys are going to just make all Dimaond cards cost $$$$ for future sets?

And on top of that you also raised the price of the dimaond card that comes with 2 signitures from last expansion.

Ahh okay.

There literally is no rerason for me to continue collecting the entire set of an expansion if you guys are no longer going to be giving a Diamond reward for have the entire set.

The animation on the signiture cards are barely animiated. Golden version of cards have better animoation than signiture cards. Diamond cards are the best looking cards in the game.

If you’re going to f over the players who collect these cards, than the least you can do is put a little more effort into making signiture cards pop a lot more than they currently do. I don’t understand how you guys have not figured this out by now.

I know you guys think that singiture cards are all that… however, you still have work to do on them.

And the signiture card that you put as the reward is not a Legendary, It’s not an epic, it a RARE!!! WOW. Talk about dropping the ball on that one.

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I agree with this sentiment.

Isnt the point of collecting the whole set… to have the whole set? I never heard of any diamond cards for getting whole sets before but hey, i learn new stuff about the game daily. But the value of owning all the cards of a set are so you can use any or all of them, is it not?