Nintendo switch version?

Is there any chance there will be Nintendo Switch version? :smiley:


I don’t think so. Nintendo has never had a partnership with Blizzard, and I don’t think they will have one based on the Switch alone.

Sky-landers would like to have a word.

Why is a Switch version even necessary?

“Do you guys not have phones?”


Yeah. And Hearthstone crashes on it

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What do you mean? They put Diablo 3 on the switch, why wouldn’t they actually put a relevant and active game like hearthstone on it too?

I don’t think they ever will but you guys don’t even seem to know what you’re talking about.

I want hearthstone on my switch!

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Well, they have Diablo 3 for switch.

They already put the literal devil in the switch.

And you expect them to put in something more evil such as lootboxes and gambling?

This would be DOPE! Hopefully they could make it a more solid UI with an actual game card!

I also think that the mobile app substitutes a possible nintendo switch version because it has a longer reach and is already implemented. Where would be the surplus for blizzard?

You mean like Diablo 3?

Lost Vikings, RPM Racing and Blacthrone would like a word with you. I also forgot about Death and Return of Superman and Rock N’ Roll Racing.