Next on the Docket: The Maw and Disorder Mini-Set!

I’m pretty sure in the last two seasons they just added the additional achievements from the mini set into the list, no effect on the pre-existing set ones.

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I don’t see it either.
He must be trolling =)

Do I have to spell it out for folks? Is it that hard to understand why I thought this announcement was tone deaf?

With all the issues that have arisen since the inception of Runestones and the changes to the game, it’s pretty ignorant to come here and try to convince people to invest in an upcoming Mini-set. The multiple patches lately have shown how little they listen.

So yeah, I find this little promo to be fairly tone deaf.

Usually, I would ask someone to buy me dinner before taking advantage of me. In this case, they want us to pay for the meal and take advantage of us.

For once I would just like them to act like we are more than just walking wallets.


why do you post if you cant even read???

Its still a unsecary extra step, and other stuff still has the option to use rela money directly

So you feel like they should stop releasing content for HS?

if you buy the runestones in 500’s then it should be cheaper. buying the smaller bundle in multiples saves you one pound (over buying 1000 etc) I’m in the UK though, so maybe it’s not the same with Euros.

Not at all. I just think the timing is poor.

Why i have to pay at all with real money? I already pay for World of Warcraft, and this game based on that.

Should be option if you pay for WoW, you can buy thing in HS with gold.

Why? If walking wallets have no brains.

As wise men once said : exploit fast and exploit often or you will be exploited by somebody else.