News on Tyrande and Past Card Backs!

That would be cool.

1 character required. Seriously forums?

Ok everyone , I’ll sum this thread up

Bee is a know-it-all that believes he can speak for the whole community

When people try to point out that he cannot reasonably do this, he disregards them

Don’t be like bee


not a completionist or collector but I like heroes… I don’t care too much for cardbacks honestly.

but I’ve seen this already before when they said soon ™ so… I’m not gonna get hyped or anything… thanks for the news.

Cannot do what ???

Bow while I agree I think everyone does it’s just common sense…if you chose to spend 50 plus on an expansion exclusivity should be part of what you paid for, since we all know you (they) probably didn’t highroll and hit a bunch of epics and legs.

I’d like to see a super-gated way to get one cardback or one hero skin a year or something from past preorders. So in absolutely no way could it be abused.
F/e id love shinypink ONIK preorder. just that. nothing else. I mean does it really matter if we were willing to spend 50 or not back then in that one month window for that one expansion you know?

thats exactly what they did with the nexus charger, a mount which was awarded for buying a 2014 blizzCon ticket, 3 years later, it was available in the shop for 30k golds LOL

don’t call anyone “noob” when you’re a rank 20 player plz

Holy hell, you’re a clown. You drag this down to kindergarden levels and ad hominem and then cry out in indignation when the people you’re yelling at respond in kind. Grow up, will you?

And no, my motivation aside from having fun is collecting stuff. Some of that stuff was very much temporary and conditional. Making it available again defeats that purpose. Instead of seeing the Pandaria card back and knowing a person has been playing since season one, it’s probably just you who snapped it up for cheap.

The rest is just you trying to justify your own greed and entitlement, while simultaneously demanding the stuff you have which just took you throwing some money at Blizzard to be kept exclusive. Disgusting.

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I don’t see a problem with this. I’ve been playing the game since before nax was even out. I have some pretty dang old card backs (right now im using my nax card back), and to be truthfully honest, it really doesn’t bother me of other people have the opportunity to get them.

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add me and come play me pleb, i’ll smash you into oblivion.

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you’re not very smart, are you ? Where have I ever said I WANTED old card backs to be back into the shop ? That’s not even what I’m arguing for. So I dunno why you’re even trying to convince me that it’d be a bad thing. However it’s a fact that blizzard said they MIGHT bring them back. So seeing that I’m saying, if you want to bring back the season card backs, at the very least don’t ****ing bring the pre-orders skins and backs a long with the seasonal backs.

And if they did bring back old card backs, I wouldn’t want them to be cheap, the older a card back is the more expensive it needs to be. If you ask me, I’d charge 5-10k gold for the first card backs (each), nothing less, I wouldn’t want them to be available for all the clowns. Anf if they do bring back paid stuff, then make them available for the same amount of cash people paid, sounds fair ?

I really don’t care about your season 1 card back, I’m enjoying my Dalaran Flame and Power Core backs which are much more meaningful than whatever you’re using. I’ve seen plenty of trash players with older card backs. I started playing in may 2015 and have attained every single possible card backs and skin that were available up to that date.

Also weren’t you saying that you didn’t care if the exclusive skins came back, even the pre-ordered ones ? If so, that goes against your argument of ‘‘collecting stuff’’ as motivation.

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couldn’t agree more <3

wow, a rank 20 player who’s acting like a pro, you really make me lose all hope in mankind :frowning:

yup, they’ve been saying it for years to calm down all the players but that’s it, they just talk instead of acting