News on Tyrande and Past Card Backs!

why the **** would anyone play x or month if the cardback will be back?

if they’re stupid enough to pay 80$ for a skin…


They should only revive heroes and card backs that were only available through obscure means. Stuff that anyone could have purchased shouldn’t be reintroduced.

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The bloke in the plaid shirt said this over a year ago.

It was rubbish then and its rubbish now.


that’s a stupid argument.

You played during these months because you felt like playing Hearthstone, not to collect a useless card back that required you to be rank 20.

you’re not even worth arguing with if you can’t tell the difference between paying money for exclusive items vs a seasonal card back.

anyway I’m not saying they SHOULD bring back old season card backs, I’m saying that if they do, they shouldn’t bring back paid content with them because obviously… people spent money for these.

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Are you serious ? You need to play 5 games in a month and previously needed to attaint RANK 20.

Is that a joke ? You’re acting like getting a season card back is difficult. Even my 90 years old grand mother could get the season card back.

Your argument would make sense if you actually needed to grind for it.

From my understanding, preorders are cheaper per pack and most players buy them because of the cheap rate.

Secondly, hardbacks are not special. Card backs you can earn:

  1. Log in via Android, Apple, PC
  2. Join a network with 2 or more players
  3. Complete solo content
  4. Earn 5 wins/r20 in ranked mode

Now, what about those players that haven’t been playing since beta but would like to order missing cardbacks? If they offered them for sale and people bought them, it would make more money.

Maybe if more money is made, we would see more improvements in the game.

With that being said, most everyone here knows I am F2P. The price I pay for that is not having a complete cardback collection, all the hero portraits, etc.

I understand and accept that as part of being a F2P player.

As for exclusive content remaining exclusive, games like Borderlands offered ALL players preoder gear long after the game was released. There comes a time when exclusive content becomes obsolete.

When does that happen for Hearthstone?

Madame Lazul was released with Rising of Shadows. I think, upon RoS rotation to Wild, Madame Lazul should be purchaseable in the shop. This allows preorder players to be the first to have this exclusive content as well as not having to pay for it because from what I understand about preorder bundles,

Portraits are a gift. Your money is paying for discounted packs.

Why am I F2P?

I cannot justify blowing $90-$100 every three months. That is about $300 per year which is absurd to me. Triple A console games are cheaper than that.

You shouldn’t play MTG then.

I sold my box of random commons and such for $40 when I fell on hard times. Yes, some MtG cards have diminished returns but there is a resale value.

I can take my Triple A console game disc and trade it in for a discount.

You’re paying for an entertainment experience, like going to the movies or a concert.

There are old theatres I can visit for free that take donations, if you wish to donate as well as free music festivals. I can ride my bike which would cost me nothing but time.

My point is exclusive content has a trend of not remaining exclusive forever. Name brand clothes that are “exclusive” go out of season and are dropped off at goodwill all the time. This process is nothing new.


Given yours is even worse, that’s rich coming from you.

It’s nice to know that you know my motivation and reasoning far better than I do. You’re about as arrogant and self-serving as people come, aren’t you?

Yes, paying money is worth vastly less. There’s also no argument to be made against other people paying money too.

[quote] anyway I’m not saying they SHOULD bring back old season card backs, I’m saying that if they do, they shouldn’t bring back paid content with them because obviously… people spent money for these.
So, let people pay money for it now? Problem solved!


Let’s bring back our boy Khadgar along as well. I’m glad they’re bringing back card backs. I hope to finally get the Cupcake card back.

here we go with the kindergarten arguments. NO MY ARGUMENT IS BETTER THAN YOURS!1!11!!!

Okay so what motivates you to play Hearthstone are the seasonal card backs! Without them you wouldn’t be playing, great! You must like the game… a lot.

How so ? Your season card back just means you got 5 wins at that given time. They are essentially meaningless, you could have some punk who played 5 hours and got the season 1 card back just because he happened to try the game at that time. Don’t tell me you’re using the seasonal card backs anyway ? There are far better ones.

How would you feel if you paid for something that’s meant to be exclusive that eventualy becomes non-exclusive a few years later even though the company said it was the one and ONLY time to get said item ? Wouldn’t you feel ripped-off ? Yes, you sure would. That’s the difference between season card backs. You didn’t invest ANYTHING in them, sure you may feel like it sucks if they bring them back but it’s not as bad as being ripped-off when you spent cash, especially given how easy they are to achieve. If you had to get 500 wins a month or something, then I’d understand. You didn’t work hard for these, give me a break.

Not sure what you’re talking about since this has nothing to do with what you quoted.

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

and people spent time for the monthly cardbacks…time is money, friend!

sometimes, i play for the cardback, especially when the meta is boring and when there’re so many things to do on other games (last month/this month: bpass on apex, new ranked mode on fortnite etc…i’ve played less than 20 games on hs this month, barely doing quests)

like the skins on hots, you mean? when they became available for free, lootable from boxes?

i do use them

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I use them. Please don’t speak for the community.

I’m use to it. Blizzard has done this alot over the years. They did it in WoW and it worked out well for the community. Exclusivity is not a promise.

Again, please don’t speak for others. For all you know there is a subset of the community that plays their 5 games just to get the card back and then they never play ladder for the rest of the month.

I like having exclusive items but I also know what it feels like to miss out on something because I was unable to login or play x amount of games or pay x amount of dollars. I would like the community to have the opportunity to get all of the great skins and card backs as opposed to denying them these things. This includes bundle items such as skins or card backs.

This doesn’t sound good. We have heard this line before. It could take a very long time for them to implement this, if they decide to do it at all.

if the community rallied behind a real issue like they did with tyrande we wouldnt have duplicate epic problems


Funny. The real reason so many players missed out on Tyrande was because the Twitch promo only applied to a select few countries.

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sorry but I’m not interested in arguing with 3 people at the same time, won’t bother replying to everything you posted.

it’s kinda bad to compare hs to hots though, hots is a failed game and I’m pretty sure they haven’t brought back exclusive content that you paid for, for example à blizzcon mounts. Maybe I’m wrong idk.

Sometimes a seasonal card backs are worth using, it’s kinda rare though.

yeah right, you have to be beyond moronic to buy packs from a game that you love, it’s not like noobs like you can enjoy the game for free because of us who pay :slight_smile:

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Joke’s on you, I don’t enjoy the game, I only play arena whenever I have gold saved up (which isn’t that often since I typically retire decks at 0-0 if the draft sucked)

I feel like this thread needs less bickering about how good this is, and more discussion about what these should be worth.

A hero portrait plus card back is $10 in the shop. That’s 1k dust or gold. It’s hard to determine if one is worth more, so I’ll just suggest they’re each $5, or 500 dust/gold each.

Since the ones we’re talking about are “exclusive” I could see them costing a little more. I would have a really hard time justifying a higher cost than double, so I suggest $10 or 1k dust/gold each as a possible maximum.

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then you’re the biggest no-lifer I’ve ever seen, wasting your time on internet forums of a game that you don’t enjoy.

Other than the preference in words, there’s no difference between “spending” and “wasting” time.


I don’t think we’ll have to pay for Tyrande, she will probably be obtained from a new event Team 5 is making.