New Weekly Quests Are Still Far Too Demanding

Even after they were decreased they’re still extremely unreasonable for the average player. I’m not going to play at minimum 20 seperate games of hearthstone every week.

Win 10 Games of Ranked
Win 10 Games of Tavern brawl / Battegrounds

Both of those tasks when they were unnerfed still took quite a while to complete, but were certainlly doable for non die-hard players. Now if we assume you don’t have a perfect winrate which lets be honest, you won’t. You’re expected to play around 40 different games of hearthstone to complete both of these quests. 20 in ranked, and 20 games of tavern brawl, or battlegrounds.

That’s HOURS of playing hearthstone back to back just for the winning 10 ranked games, but on top of that I’m expected to play 20 additional games of a gimmick game mode that rotates every week, or Battlegrounds which takes a while, and I don’t play much, but it’s at least fun for a FEW rounds.

I have other things I’d like to do in my week then play a FTP card game. I only have so much time, and while I do like playing this game… It’s is not important enough for me to double the amount of time I play it every week for (virtually) no additional reward.

And this isn’t even mentioning your other options for weekly quests btw. 750 Mana is INSANE. Lets say on average you’re making it to turn 10 for your games which is being a little generous especially in wild. If you spend all of your mana every turn you’d have spent 55 that game. That’s roughly 13 games just for that quest, and that’s assuming you don’t run an aggro deck that wins on turn 5 or 6 and spends less than half our 55 estimate in a game.

I don’t even want to think about the hero power quest.

The only thing I have that’s positive to say is that I like the idea of weekly quests being a bit harder for more exp, but that’s a BIT harder. Not twice the difficulty. It’s way too overtuned currently, and thats after it was already “hotfixed” from 2.5x difficulty down to “only” 2x

My biggest gripe with this change is that it was completely unecessary. I haven’t seen any requests for it, so why was it changed in the first place? I, like I imagine most others, thought the quests were fine where they were at.


I too also thought the quests were tuned fine where they were. Just pushing the envelope on the weekly wins alone makes the game more of a job and less about being casual. I don’t know about anyone else, but it seems every time I log into HS there’s never a feeling of excitement and wanting to get immersed. It’s become more of “ok, here I go again, can’t wait to get my quests done so I can log out”. When any games reaches that state, you really gotta wonder what’s gone wrong and what can be done to improve.